Strawberry Milk Shop

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Gon is 10 when he first finds the strawberry milk shop.

Aunt Mito had left,  only for a few hours, she had said, stay put. But Gon had grown restless, and he slipped out the door and down the sidewalk once he was sure none of his nosy neighbors were looking out their windows. He had forgotten how hot it was, and slipped into an onld shop with a faded pink sign. The old man at the counter eagerly sat him down, handing him a familiar pink and white carton he drank from eagerly. He chatted and laughed with the nice old man, who hadn't had many visitors, and promised to come here again.


Gon is 11 when they build the skatepark across from the strawberry milk shop.

Gon thinks it's a pretty bad idea, as he's the only kid in the neightborhood, but the old man is excited. He thinks the park will bring more visitors, and Gon doesn't have the heart to tell him what he's thinking. The skatepark has metal rails and steep wooden ramps and a brick wall Gon assumes is for photos or aesthetic. Someone has left a cardboard box with wristguards and knee- and elbow pads. Gon sips from his strawberry milk carton, watching as the old man stares out the window with a wistful expression. 


Gon is 12 when he first sees the Moonlight Kid. 

He's tall and skinny, with catlike blue eyes that show cleverness and skill, and snow white hair that looks soft and untamed. His pale porcelain skin makes the boy seem to glow, and Gon can't help but compare him to the moon. Moonlight Kid hops on his yellow skateboard that had a red arrow, and for a moment his catlike blue eyes meet Gon's, even though he's at the skatepark and Gon is sitting in the strawberry milk shop window, even though their one whole street away, and Gon feels a strange feeling run down his spine and swirl in his gut.


Killua has just turned 12 when he sees Sunshine Boy.

Killua had just discovered the skatepark, just discovered a way to have a tiny bit of freedom when he discovers something better. Sunshine Boy is across the street, behind the clear glass window of an old shop with a faded pink sign. He has spikey blak hair and bright caramel eyes that showcase pure joy, with lightly sun-kissed skin, and his lips pulled back in a bright smile that shines so brightly Killua wonders if he stole the light from the sun. He hops on his skateboard, but Sunshine Boy's caramel eyes meet Killua's catlike blue, and Killua looks away, trying to hide his pink tinged cheeks.


Gon is 13 when he finally decides to talk to Moonlight Kid.

He dusts off his old roller skates and practices using them all the way to the strawberry milk shop, where he waves to the old man through the window, pointing to the skatepark and mouthing, I'll try to bring him over, before looking both ways and crossing over to Moonlight Kid, who hasn't noticed him yet. When he does notice, he's on one of the rails, and nearly topples off at the sight of him. "Sunshine Boy," he sputters, before he makes a horrified face and looks away, face red. But Gon doesn't care, to ecstatic at the fact that Moonlight Kid payed enough attention to him to give him a nickname too. "Moonlight Kid," he says, grinning, and Moonlight Kid turns to him in shock, his catlike blue eyes slightly wide, the blush not yet gone from his face. "My names Gon, by the way." Moonlight Kid gives him a soft smile. "Killua."


Gon is 14 when he has his first kiss with Killua the Moonlight Kid.

He comes to the skatepark like always, a strawberry milk in one hand and a chocolate milk in the other. Killua waits impatiently at the brick wall that's only for aesthetic, and his eyes light up at the sight of the chocolatey drink, giving Gon a crooked smile that makes Gon stop breathing for a moment. "Aw, for me?" He coos jokingly, but Gon's face erupts in a wave of red. "Yeah," he replies, and Killua happily takes the drink, continuing to talk about this cool skateboard he found and wanted. Gon stares at Killua, a smile on his face, and he nods, listening to Killua's story. When Killua is finished, he notices that Gon has yet to stop staring. "What?" he asks sharply, his ears and face pink, and Gon kisses him, ignoring every rational part in his brain that's screaming No! Killua stiffens, before leaning in and Gon marvels about how Killua's lips are soft, and taste like the cherry lollipops the man at the strawberry milk shop started handing him when Killua came over. Killua's the first to break away, his gasping for air, his face pink but his blue eyes shining. "That," Gon finally replies, and Killua's face turns a dark shade of red, swatting at Gon's arm, failing to hid the smile on his lips.


Gon is 15 when Killua saves him for the first, and hopefully last, time.

Gon is sitting at the skatepark, still in his school uniform, with a strawberry and chocolate milk by his side. Three kids approach the park, all wearing a uniform from a fancy private school Gon doesn't recognize. His eyes light up, but his excitement is short lived when they come straight for him, asking him questions about Killua. Gon raises his head stubbornly, answering  truthfully, and they snarl. The biggest, most ugly raises his fist, and suddenly Killua's there, a graceful blur of white with beautiful eyes as he kicks and punches, watching as the bullies trip over themselves in an effort to protect themselves against his attacks and run, cursing as they leave with bloody noses and split lips. Killua turns to Gon, not a single scratch on his perfect skin and Gon stares at his boyfriend with wide eyes, his mouth open in awe, before Killua leaps at Gon, almost knocking him over. Gon laughs before pressing a kiss to his saviors head.


Gon is 16 when the old man at the strawberry milk shop dies. 

There's no one to pay their respects except Aunt Mito, Killua, and Gon. He has fat tears streaming down his cheeks and muffled sobs escape his lips as Killua pulls him in for a hug, hiding tears of his own. They tear down the strawberry milk shop; a fat man in a fancy suit comes with a parade of bulldozers and construction men, and Gon screams at him from across the street, held back by Killua's arms. No! You can't! That's ours! But he can and he does, plopping a slim folder in front of Gon before leaving, taking any trace of the strawberry milk shop with him. Killua opens the folder for Gon, and then closes it, fresh tears in his eyes as he learns that the old man gave every cent he made in the strawberry milk shop to him and Gon. 


Gon is 20, happily engaged to Killua when he finally decides to build the strawberry milk shop again.

Killua thinks it's a dumb idea, the neighborhoods probably empty anyway, he says, but Gon is insistent and Killua finally allows himself to be dragged back to the old skatepark and he gasps. It's filled with people laughing and kids yelling I bet you can't do this!! and Gon laughs along with them turning to Killua. "Fine," he sniffs, and Gon gives him a big hug and a kiss before jumping up and down like he's 12 again, while Killua hides the embarrased blush on his face.


Gon is 21, happily sitting side by side with Killua in their store with a pink sign, The Strawberry Milk Shop. Killua talking to some kids, rolling his eyes as they holler, I bet you cant to this, old man!! and Killua winks at Gon before grabing his old skateboard and dashing out the door, followed by a parade of laughing kids, and Gon wonders how Killua accuses him of being a child. A girl about 12 comes in the shop with her girlfriend. "Hey, dad," she jokes, and Gon hands them both a strawberry milk, which they drink from thankfully. "Where's the old man?" The girlfriend teases, and Gon rolls his eyes, a grin on his face. "Being 12 again."


That's it! A short story I wrote because I was bored! 

Depending how this goes I might make it a whole one.


Hope you enjoyed!

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