Chapter 2

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Sometimes Penny was happy that she was not a human. She did not need to worry about staying fit and exercising, going to the bathroom seemed like it would get annoying and sleep just seemed like a hassle to deal with.

Watching Jaune spew up his last meal and spit it out the apparently awful taste certainly counted as one of those times.

"I can taste that awful candy bar again," Jane said spitting into the snow one last time before standing up.

"We should get moving," she advised, "it will be dark in sixteen hundred hours, you are not equipped to deal with the temperature drop."

Jaune nodded brushing the snow off of him. "Right... which direction?" He asked her looking around the expanse of white around them.

"This way," Penny pointes, "Mantle is currently seventy six kilometers to the southwest bearing two sixteen."

Jaune nodded as he started to walk the ice crunching beneath him. "I really wish I hadn't left my bag in the truck," he sighed regretfully. He looked to Penny keeping pace with him, her eyes scanning the landscape. "Is your leg alright?" He asked her.

"It is damaged," she explained to him, "I can no longer operate my rocket boot but I still have full mobility, it will not slow me."

Jaune nodded, "ok... did you get a look at the shooter?" He asked trying to take stock of their situation.

"I did," Penny confirmed turning to him, a holo display projected from her eye showing the image. A man dressed head to toe in white gazing down the scope of a long barreled rifle, a white balaclava concealing his face as he laid prone partially buried in the snow. "I have not been able to identify him but that rifle is not any model in my database, it is custom built and it shattered through my aura."

"I'm glad he kept hitting my shield," Jaune sighed inspecting the dents on his shield, "is your aura healing?"

She nodded, "slowly, and my power levels are at seventy three percent, how is your aura Jaune?"

Jaune stopped and fished into his pocket for his scroll to check his own aura levels. He frowned, "my scroll is fried," he groaned in frustration dropping it back into his pocket.

"Here I can connect to your aura," Penny explained looking to him linking up to his unique aura signature connecting to it as his scroll would, "you're at eighty six percent," she explained to him.

"Good," Jaune said stepping close to her.

"Jaune?" She asked questioning his sudden closeness.

He set his hand upon her shoulder and she felt her aura pulse with power glowing white. It felt... interesting to her, his semblance connecting to her own aura giving it a jump start as he funneled his aura into her, connecting his soul to hers. Penny did not know what it felt like to be warm, not as real people do, but with Jaune's earlier description she wondered if it felt anything like this.

"That should help," Jaune said pulling his hand away, "if we get into another fight you'll be better prepared."

She looked into his eyes, he gave her a smile and seemed to show he was at ease. "Your aura is protecting you from the elements, you should save it for yourself."

"If we get into another fight I'm going to need you," Jaune told her, "your my best chance of survival Penny."

She nodded to him hearing the sincerity of his voice, he was trusting her to help him through this. Penny smiled at him, "thank you Jaune."

Jaune's eyes widened suddenly at her, "Blake!" He said shock coloring his features.

"Blake?" She asked, "What about her?"

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