Midorya x reader First Date

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Your heart beat nervously as you got dressed for your date with Izuku Midorya. He approached you one day and asked you out to the new restaurant that had just opened. You were caught off-guard but accepted as you two got along well. You take a deep breath and head out of your flat.

When you arrived at the restaurant you didn't spot him so, you sat down at one of the tables. Figuring it may be a while till your date got here.

Half an hour passed and still no sign of Izuku, you were starting to wonder if you were set up when the door burst open and a green haired young man rushed in out of breath. His eyes quickly scanned the cafe, looking frantic, relaxing once they found you waving at him from the far corner of the room.

"_______" he panted "I am so sorry I'm late I got lost on the way here Uraraka is really bad at giving directions" he sat down at the table. His cheeks are rosy from running sweat forming on his forehead.
" It's alright, I ordered katsudan for you." You reply, looking up from the book you were reading. " Shoto-kun told me"you added, seeing the look of slight confusion on your co-worker's freckled face.
The rest of the dinner went well, he insisted that he pay for the entire meal, even when you suggested you pay for your half of the bill. He said that it was to make up for being late.
He walked you back home to your flat, stopping for some hot chocolate which you called shotgun on this time.
You both reached the solid wood door to your flat. Izuku hugged you and said softly, "Tonight was great, let's meet up next week" you smile and agree to his suggestion with a light pink now dusting your cheeks."Yes Midoriya-san".

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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