Chapter 4

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Tommy POV

I laughed at myself when I yelled Chicken Nuggies. I couldn't help but be happy, chicken nuggets are good. You can't change my mind! The only time that I had really felt happy in my life without it just being a mask, was right now, with Phil. If it weren't for Phil knowing where I had lived, I probably would have died. As much as I seem like I would like to die, I didn't want to leave Techno, Phil, and Wilbur all alone, without me. I mean, as much as I thought that they hate me, I made them laugh a lot. I was a comedic savior. If it hadn't been for me, sometimes Wilbur would not have as great videos as he does. Phil was back now with my chicken nuggets. 

"About time! My chicken nuggies could have gone cold!" I heard a slight chuckle from Phil.

"I also brought someone with me!" I heard a giggle from behind Phil. 

"Hello Tommyyyy!" I heard Wilbur say, and then I saw him. Though he looked a but disturbed by the surroundings, he was happy to see me nonetheless. 

"Wilbur!!!" I happily looked at Wilbur. 

"Hello! I heard what had happened so I thought I would come by and say hello!" I was so happy to see Wil. 

"Im just so happy to see you Wil!" I was genuinely excited. 

"I'm glad you are doing better." I heard someones footsteps that weren't Phil's or Wilbur's. 

"Hullooo." Wait. Technoblade??? What????

"Techno?" I saw Techno walk into the room. 

"Hello Tommy." Techno's long pink hair fell behind him as he walked. 

"Since when were you here?" Techno sat in a chair that was next to me.

"I got here when Wilbur did, just thought I would let you and Wilbur bond for a moment." I looked over and saw Wilbur smiling. 

"I am unbelievably shocked." I looked at Techno for a second before just looking at my hands. 

"As soon as I heard what happened I know I had to come see you. It just so happened me and Wilbur were hanging out over a shop near here. When Phil saw us, he came over." I looked at Phil and remembered my chicken nuggets. 

"PHIILLLL where are my nuggetttsssss!!!" Everyone chuckled a bit while Phil wheezed. 

"They're with me, but here you go." Phil handed me my chicken nuggets. 

"yesss!!!" I started eating them, though when I was eating, I had been eating quite a funny way. So when I looked up everyone was laughing. 

"Whottt! Chicken nuggets are so good!" I made them laugh more. After I finished we hung out a bit, until Wilbur and Techno decided they were gonna go home.

"Were gonna head back now before the drunk drivers are out. We don't want to get hurt." Wilbur had given me a hug before he left, so had Techno. 

"Bye Wilbur! By Techno!" I waved as they exited the room. 

"Hey Tommy?" Phil was now in the chair next to me. 

"What happened? Why haven't you been eating?"

"Well, since motherinnit passed out from drinking, he had started using me as a punching bag, then they forgot about me, and never fed me. It's not that I didn't want to eat, I wanted to, but they never fed me." I heard a slight discomfort aura coming from Phil, mixed with a calm aura. 

Philza POV

This kid really had to go through that at the age of 16, maybe even earlier? I was so upset to hear that Tommy had to deal with that. I really did want to help him, I just didn't know how, but something came over me, and I hadn't even known I'd said it. 

"Would you like me to adopt you?" I realized what I had said, but I was sure of it. This kid needed a better home, he wasn't going back there. Never in his life is he going back there. 

"You would..?" He looked  at me, a bit shocked. 

"Of course, Toms. I'm not letting you go back to those shitty excuses of parents." He laughed a little.

"Of course I will wait until you are healed to finally decide what you want to do. If you want some time before you make your final decision." I saw him think about it for a bit. I guess he had come up with the final decision, I saw a smile go across his face. 

"I think I would love you to be my dad." With that we both decided I was gonna have Tommy as my son. 

"Thank you Philza Minecraft." I heard the joy in his voice, mixed with a bit of nervous. He probably doesn't want to come across his dad again. The doctor had walked in shortly after our conversation ended. 

"He will be able to leave soon, sir. He has made quite the improvement on his health, we are really surprised." I looked over at Tommy and smiled. 

"That's great to hear." I looked up at the doctor and smiled. 

"Hey Toms? Do you want to call me while I make your room?" Tommy was excited to hear I was serious about it. 

"Of course! Then I could possibly be able to make my dream room!" I smiled at how happy he was. 

"Alright then, I will facetime you when I get to the store, so you can pick out your stuff that you want." I smiled at Tommy and grabbed my keys from the small table. 

"Alright, I'll be heading out now." By then the doctor was already gone. 

"Cya Phil!" I smiled and left the room. For the second time since he was put in that room. I got in my car and drove to the nearest store that I knew had stuff Tommy would like. I went into the store and got into an isle where I was all by myself. I turned my phone on and called Tommy.

"Hello Phil!" I heard Tommy join the call. 

"Alright I'm in the store, mission; Dream Room." I joke with him, I heard him laugh. 

"Alright, what paint do you want for your room?" I turn my camera around and show him all the paints. 

"ooo! I like the red one!" I heard him comment. 

"Alright!" I grabbed the red paint bucket and put it into the cart I found disbanded in the isle. 

"Lets look at furniture." I walked over to the furniture section, and looked around. I went over the beds and let Tommy look at them. 

"I like the loft bed! Does it come with a desk?" I looked at it a bit more. 

"No but I can get you one!" I saw Tommy smile. 

"That would be nice." I got an employee to get a shipping order to my house, as well with the mattress and the desk. 

"And now, what flooring would you like?" He looked at all the flooring types that they had. 

"I like the oak wood looking one, reminds me of Minecraft." I smiled and so did he. He added a few more things, like, plushies, board games, shelving, etc, etc. Once we were finished, I set up the room, he loved it. 

"Alright so tomorrow is when all the stuff is coming in, so until then, I will be staying with you." Tommy had a big smile on his face. 

"Thank you so much Philza!" We were both smiling, laughing, and caring for each other. This really feels like a father and son bonding moment. 

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