KACCHAKO FANFICTION RECOMMENDATION LISTHow to read: Title of the fic is on the left side of the dash, author's name is on the right. Archive Of Our Own is a fanfiction website, as is Fanfiction.net
Neither of these sites are an app.What I would recommend doing is, instead of specifically searching the fic name and author, when searching them up, type the authors name, put "ao3" or "fanfiction.net" next to it, and you should find it easier. In my opinion, it's just simpler to go through an author's works and find the fic than searching it up and getting very vague and mixed results. If it's your first time using ao3, let me know and I can walk you through it, though I doubt any of you haven't used it before. If anyone needs help finding specific fics, I can try and look for you and post the link. Please enjoy!
Archive Of Our Own
Yes quirk - LynnLarsh
Defense mechanism - silv3rbloodalch3mist
Gift giving and other fine arts - Rookblonkorules
Everyone loves you - natimiles
Stupid with love - revelryinthedark
So much better - revelryinthedark
Sandali - sakuramochi2593
Soul knitted and the star maker - amiicee_lokei
The IKEA disaster - disasterdoodles
Oblivious - OccupationLove
Kaccacko- a welcome distraction - AlexMac725
Cherry blossoms - fmpsimon
Eyes one me - Moniix
Balloon - NefariousNess
Drifting towards the light - QueenOfTheWesternSky
Secret meetings - BoyBrid
The meteors just what we see - perihadion
Sleepless - disasterdoodles
Something new - megwritesfanfiction
Number one (BNHA kacchacko bakugo/Uraraka one shot) - NiteShay
A date with a time tomb - squadump_007
The stars festival - witchilly
Selcouth - fromthemist
What's in a name? - knifekirby
Running Blind - madmankid
Tell me anyway - witchilly
Feather Moon - sakuramochi2593
Sweetness and kisses - kacchakoloveo8
Just deserts - ohmytheon
Betsubara - fromthemist
Kaccako week day 1: sparring - squadump_007
What's so funny - highly glamorous
Crawled space - burnedstars777
First night at the UA Dorms - SaKu015
Head to head, heart to heart - cloutier
The shipping squad - perfectskytorn
Take it - Infinitylady
For sure - magnethia
It had to be a damn chocolate bun - MochiSpaceCadet
Mineta's fandiction - bakusatsuo, I mymindisfloodedwithideas
The tank top fiasco - shippershorty
Hands - jadawrites
I - I - I - - goldenchildkatsuki
Injuries - guillotine
A softer worlds 34 - i_masshiro
Don't worry 'bout it baby! - beetlejuulce
This doesn't look that much different from home - ohwickedsoul
Dare me - thesweetestnerd
Late night sweets - jarynwo2
Time lapse - leesie_love
Is it obvious? - guillotine
Ground Zero and Uravity take a friendship test - guillotine
Bargain bins, discount deals - alchemicink
Pro Hero's Uravity and Ground Zero Answer the Web's most searched questions - paperbirdhouses
73 questions with vogue - guillotine
The first interview! - guillotine
Spill your guys of fill your guts! - guillotine
Valentine's Day plan - Geeqad
Love tables - bruja_writes
Friendly reminder - guillotine
Dare - guillotine
Worthy - Saku015
We're friends aren't we? - edxwin_elric
One dance - kacchakoweeb
Something more - Izarite
Cookies and mistletoe - SaneSnare
but I'll wait for you. - JuniRiceBall
The middle - bakinari
Wet t-shirt contest - seasaltedwolverine
Anpan - timelyeutony
Unpredicted behavior - Saku015
A conversation amongst sky scrapers - calamansifresh
Curvy - Blondthndrninja
Slow and steady - orphan_account
Kiss the girl - NefarioussNess
Pink cheeks and drive - floaty_insomniac
Onsens and boyfriends - afreakingdork
You owe me a hug - fragmentarygurl
Contrary to popular belief - orphan_account
Sweet tooth - StarfireXL
Kacchako week day seven: fantasy - CreativeMumble
At the end of the day - AntisocialFlutePlayer
The Coffee Song - BlueTee
Staring into our bright future - wonduhhwoman
The scare plot - fmpsimon
Smile for the cameras (smile for me) - alchemicink
One week later, are we still pretending? - Sol_Morales707
Kacchako week day three: fake dating - CreativeMumble
Get out of my head (and fall into my arms instead) - Pompomchan
Who ya gonna call? - ohmytheon
Sun-kissed skin - ThreePurpMoons
Jacket - the fool who wrote
To choose - KaladinsSmile
White Elephant - Wonduhhwoman
Best served - AdmiralMitts
Love: Drenched in Pink - afreakingdork
(I'm not) just playing around - StarfireXL
The piña colada song - BlueTee
Heavenly bodies - theflowersarenotdead
The snuggle is real - Jedi_Of_Books_And_Snacks
A lovely night - urarakastights
Kitty play date - I'mRawy
Bold - thesweetestnerd
Building blocks - afreakingdork
Lonely together - Tharros
The final countdown - ohmytheon
Bitter and Sweetness - kacchakofest
Sanatus- minonettes
Quality time - wonduhhwoman
Surprises - IamDannyBoi
Brighter than Christmas lights - MorningLullabies
Gerbera and night Phlox - Mistletea
Festive - QueenOfTheWesternSky
Warm light on a winters day - wonduhhwoman
To go beyond just good enough - DrowClericOfPelor
I won't say - TechnoSkittles
Up in the air - vanilluhbeaux (distinque)
In the beginning - mikoshiko
You've earned it - Veradacity
Heffalumps and Woozles- casuallysucksyourass
Strawberry spice - Ryenan
Something more - Kiiniku
Roses in ink - Star_on_a_Staff
Work it out - boomdawg
Puppy love - kiiniku
Roses with Thorns - scxrlettwxtches
Fragile - megwritesfanfiction
A fire in burning, heals - orphan_account
First days - megwritesfanfiction
The set up - LynyrdLionheart
Sunshine - LynyrdLionheart ^^^^
I'm wide awake, it's morning - goldenchildkatsuki
In your face - EmeraldWaves
Midnight meetings - saisailove
Didn't see that one coming - Astrohopper
On the rainbow road - ohmytheon
Noises - mylastonepiece
Ground Zero Takes The Hot Seat - ConNopales
Fight night - ohmytheon
Floor four spiders - iwaizumochi
Not afraid - ohmytheon
Expected - Kagohme
Quiet madness - Tharros
Finger pads and callouses - Starfang_secrets
An excuse - blooberberry
Some day my prince will come - blooberberry
Pink - bergmite
A few of my favorite things - MasterOfBread
The Best Part Of Waking Up Is Hearts Drawn On Your Cup - EmeraldWaves
Playing pretend won't hurt, but maybe it'll help - shiro_yuu
Baby face - ppersistent
Karaoke night - KingOfTheCosmos
Exothermic - multifascinate (talkativelock)
He says it's not a love song (but it is) - miehczyslaw
Where do you think you're looking!? - Rumbutt q
Queen of Explodo Kills! - IrisPlumeria
Emotions are hard - somefantasytosurvivereality
Progression - hittinmiss
and here i stand forcefully on lines made of gray - saisaillove
Kacchako: close quarters - raindbowWarlord
Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy - lucyrne (theungenue)
Catch me if I fall - saisaillove
Kindling - orphan_account
Supernova - anerbananer
Antigravity hugs - SatyrSyd37
i f*cking LOVE YOU, i think you're pretty - Authoress
Routines - guillotine
Dungeons and drama - bruja_writes
Pining and desperately waiting - witchilly
Don't ignore me - guillotine
Castles and crushes - beanboop
One at a time - AdmiralMitts
Burn the pain away - Bridgetinerabbit
Nothing is a waste - lanestreets
Is she your girlfriend or something? - CSLong
Achoo! I hate you - witchilly
I want to - knifekirby
1227 - guavagirl
Starlight surprises - Air_Skullian
a cube of ice gets me a boyfriend??? *storytime* *not clickbait - jadawrites
White day - fmpsinon
Anything you can do I can do better - kacchakofest
Broken in love - RedRosesPurpleLilacs
A single drop of sunshine - GalacticStarborn
Cramps - RainyDayDaydream
Married four times - Time2dancecpj
Sleepover - megwritesfanfiction
Thank your local mistletoe - HazelRoses
Pair stretched - jumeeO
It's because you're in love, Bakugou - bakuntgo
Private lesson - tiffany1502
Unbelievable- UEvangeline
Carve out a space in my heart - alchemicink
Defusing bombs - RayreeAnne
Swift as a river - littlebluewhalen
Your dumbass quirk - Floatyexplodey
A rare favor - calamansifresh
Volatile - JackmeriusTactheritrix
The fear of touching skin - multifascinate (talkativelock)
I tried, I cant but you? - nyahnyah
Compromising - bowiesnippleantennae
04: come home with me - i_masshiro
The shape of your words - nascence (noktah)
only the strong survive (hey, you gotta keep on and hold on) - malalaandsundance
Monsters invisible - astraLazuli
Silence - fairietailed
Tiny brilliant suns - tharros
Moments - fromthehill_ (fromthehillbythelake)
What she was - LunaricFairy12
Set the date - goldenchildkatsuki
A True Hero - nessascribbles
Quest to the South Ruins: The Dragon King Finds His Heart - Rilez
Cafuné - fromthehill_ (fromthehillbythelake)
Not being nice - wthtonibelle
Good morning sunshine - sunshinecommissions (sunshinesfreckles)
Summer shenanigans - ohmytheon
Maybe together we can get somewhere - fromthehill_ (fromthehillbythelake)
Mariposa - goldenchildkatsuki
Red bike, purple Bellflower - goldenchildkatsuki
White sands, blue Ribbons - goldenchildkatsuki
Like in a shoujo manga - minifili
If you love me let me know - hereorthere
After the battle: Mochi and Healing - pretty explosive
Don't ask don't tell - Ms_Chunks
Smushed Chocolate buns - BazilWritez
Downward - HiyoriArakawa
Realizations - guillotine
Role Models - BurnedStars777
Extras have opinions too - BurnedStars777
These weren't here before - BurnedStars777
Kirishima's Guide to Getting Bakugou a Girlfriend - BurnedStars777
Playing nice - BurnedStars777
Want to - knifekirby
Winning - MadeNew
Training with Bakugo Katsuki - shippershorty
Dance of the Flickering Bugs - Jaydpuppycat
Thirty days - thevoidyouknow
Hey, Doctor! - urarakastights
Group chat - guavagirl
When it rains... - anerbananer
Take me home - kacchakofest
Anything you can do, I can do better - kacchakofest
Spit it out - AdmiralMitts
Dumb reason to quit - AdmiralMitts
Fleeting emotions - emeraldwaves
What comes after 'And' - Emeraldwaves
By Virtue We Fall - EmeraldWaves
Murder Mittens - EmeraldWaves
The cats pajamas - ohmytheon
The wonderful world of jealousy - ohmytheon
Eyes on me - ohmytheon
Best Santa Ever! CSLong
Three little words - disasterdoodles
Brightest star in the sky - alchemicink
Vehement Denials - alchemicink
Shoreline seashells - alchemicink
Pass, dribble, shoot, score - alchemicink
The Giant cheezit wall - fragmentarygurl
32- "It looks good on you." - megwritesfanfiction
Fireflys - megwritesfanfiction
Sunset - megwritesfanfiction
Supernova - megwritesfanfiction
Please break my leg - BurnedStars777
Variety is the spice of life - harvestmooneve
Cup of joy - harvestmooneve
It's about having fun - goldenchildkatsuki
Mochi mistletoe- lily
A stutter in his heart each time he glanced her way - TheGodWith5Yen
Ground Zero Gravity - katschako
Shared warmth - knifekirby
A bakugo family vacation - BurnedStars777
The minutes and the hours Pass - cloutier
Flour and chocolate - along_those_lines
Bring it on - bigbadwolf
(Are you a snitch?) because you're by far the greatest catch here - bigbadwolf
They don't know about us - bigbadwolf
Tapping my buttons - anonymous
Todoroki's amusement, Bakugo's Torment - Blondthndrninja
It's Rude To Eavesdrop - guillotine
To see the stars again - starlightvelaris
Following the steps of others - occupationlove
Pretending you ain't be on my mind - royals
Hearts in Spades - Quinntessentially
Quirks and Accidents - brrychako (hacunamacata)
Bakugo's big book of poetry - BurnedStars777
The fine line separating you and me - minfresh
Fairytales - Tkatlavendier
For today - i_masshiro
Happiest - laurenfullbuster
Little Things - WhenUKnowTheNotedToSing
Island Vacation - collapsingStars, Sushibeth
I like you - ameovo
Now I know what a fool I've been - royals
Little bit'a thunder - ConNopales
You should smile more - NatiMiles
What flavor? - magnethia
Close is good enough - littlemissfundip
The hues of yoy - floaty_explodey
I'll take care of you - thesweetestnerd
The dragon king and the mage - Rachel_L
Someone to you - mrs_lemonade
Fireworks - josala
And they were roommates! - CSLong
A roll of the dice - witchilly
An unexpected view - alienette
Pas De Deux - sakuramochi2593
Only the best - OnceABlueMoon
Study buddy - adgedecidedtowrite
Can't take my eyes off you - lillyglimmer
Aerial - mrs_lemonade
Your name - jarynwo2
Strawberry Parfait - peachedpocky
I got you - Flamingore
First Aid - istired
Cereal - orphan_account
Atlas - Hereorthere
Keep your head above the water - Sansllura
You're not weak - koko_san
Bombshell - doridoripawaa
Haven - imagine_pearls
Blowing off steam - RoFair
Thin Ice - BurnedStars777
Changing Your Mind - OccupationLove
Indirect Conversations and Silent Languages- OccupationLove
It's whatever you say it is - perihadion
Stuck - tasteoftheforbidden
Tell the walls to fall - Floaty_Explodey
You (Don't) really love me - Roxrezi (sovereignProviso)
The pro hero dating sim - ValiLey
Sweetness and butterflies - sonderesque
Weird Rivalry - BurnedStars777
Ochako's Valentine - Sir_Skullian
The Only Exception- MadeNew
Branches, Day 5: soulmates - megwritesfanfiction
Say it with Chocolate - CSLong
Balloon wars - chumunga64
My way of saying I love you - Sir_Skullian
The Shipper With A Phone And An Unsuspecting Ship - BazilWritez
The beginnings of dynavity- Amiicee_Lokei
Secret switch - tiredaroaceperson
Oh baby - imagine_pearls
Boop - Dapsthe
Trust me - justhavingfundonthatemeFanfiction.net
I don't care - SakuraDrops93
What a pain - PixiesStoleMyApples
The feeling that isn't entirely unpleasant - mysterious Intentions
Truth or dare - luvberi
FanfictionI feel like the title is a little self explanatory, heh. Enjoy!