Chapter 21 // the trial

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Draco's POV // 5th of October

I woke up feeling excited, most people wouldn't since my dad is going to Azkaban, but I was, that man deserves it

It's the day of the trial, we hadn't told anyone other than McGonagall, Harry, Pansy, Blaise and red

We weren't allowed in the trial room, but we were allowed in the ministry while it happened

Harry, Pansy, Blaise, and Camila came to be with me I guess they thought I would find it hard, but I was relieved, he killed my mother, he deserves this

"you ok Draco?" Pansy asked

"yeah... we should leave for the ministry now, it starts in an hour" they agreed so we left and got inside the carriage

"are you nervous?" harry asked

"not really I mean my father is going to prison, most people would be scared and nervous and all that but me? I'm relieved. you harry, you know what it's like not having a mum but my dad... he was the one who did it but now I can avenge her... finally"

they just listened to me rant until we got out of the Hogwarts grounds and we apparated to the ministry just like me and Camila had a few days ago

Pansy held my hand comfortingly as we went through the visitor way in two's

me and pansy then harry and Camila then Blaise by himself, red couldn't come, something to do with an exam

we walked out of the telephone box and got into an elevator, luckily it was just us so there were no prying eyes, wondering why there were a load of 'kids' in the ministry

We went down the floors till the woman's cool voice announced

'department of mysteries'

we walked into the large hallway and saw the minister standing outside of the door that leads to the room where they held the trials

"hello there!" he had a warm smile on which was weird considering he's about to send my father to Azkaban

"hello minister" we greeted him with a smile and a handshake

"now as you know, kids aren't allowed inside the trial room"

harry scoffed at this

"but you can stay in the ministry, in this waiting room if you like and if the trial goes how we want it to, which we are confident it will, you can say goodbye to your father mister Malfoy" I shook his hand again and nodded

the nerves were coming in now... what if he got away? He's even more sly than me... no there are a lot of guards here isn't there? Yeah it'll be okay

pansy was still holding my hand and that did calm me down a bit, pansy has always been a good friend to me and when I told her about 'mione she made peace with her and explained to me how she never actually liked me, she just did it for fun

"ok minister do your best" he nodded and without another word he walked into the trial room


half an hour of comforting words from my friends had passed and they finally walked out

I stood up quickly "so?"

"your father has been sentenced to a life in Azkaban, I don't know if this is good or bad news for you son?" my heartbeat calmed, he was leaving... my revenge for my mother was starting and I was gonna get my Hermione back!

"Good sir very good"

I turned to see four uncertain faces looking back at me "I'm free!" their facial expressions turned into happy ones and I turned back to the minister

"Could I speak with my father please?" he replied with a nod and I looked at pansy who gave me an encouraging look "come with me?" I asked them they stood beside me and we walked in to see my very disgruntled father sitting in a lone chair, tied down.

"well how the tables have turned father" he didn't look at me but at the seat, the minister would've sat in, I smirked at his silence

"your my son... HOW COULD YOU DO THIS" he shouted and tried slamming his fist on the chair, but obviously couldn't, he turned his head to look at me. these actions made my friends jump back, I was used to his outbursts

"oh no Lucius you're not my father, you murdered my mother In cold blood... because she did the right thing and then you made me obliviate THE ONLY GOOD THING IN MY LIFE"

once again he had a manic look in his eyes "she deserved it" he muttered through gritted teeth, which made me angry, and lunged at him, Blaise Harry stopped me

"no, she didn't, she deserved better than you... she did the right thing and now I am too, I'm glad Voldemort's dead and I'm so very happy you're going back where you belong... in a cold, dark cell" and with that, we left "oh, and Lucius don't expect anyone to come visit you... ever"  I called, turning around before leaving but not before hearing some very colorful words leaving his disgusting mouth


so Lucius mucius is in PRISON

I still think I should've killed him off though...

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