Death or Dinner?

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The Daily Prophet dropped onto the 8th years table before Harry, narrowly avoiding his breakfast, before several other students received their own copies. Harry adjusted his wire framed spectacles with one hand as he held the paper in the either, a loud groan passed his lips.

"For fucks sake, I can't take this anymore someone needs to take me out!" He cursed loudly.

This peaked the curiosity of another student sitting further down the table, who promptly opened his own copy of the paper before snorting. The Boy Who Lived Alone? "In a dating type of way, or assassination type of way?" The blond laughed darkly.

"I don't know Malfoy, surprise me." Harry quipped, shooting him a half hearted glare.

The blond did not respond, too busy reading the article underneath the headline as it described Harry's evident bachelor status in great detail. He shook his head as he reached the end of the article, yet another day the front page was filled with puerile nonsense about The Chosen One, before flicking through the rest of the paper as he continued to eat breakfast.


"I was thinking. There's a muggle game called assassin." Hermione started quietly as the pair left Arithmancy. "You have to use a water gun to 'kill' your target."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Draco was baffled.


"What I said to Harry?" He frowned.

"Yeah, you know, I think you could both do with a distraction. It could be fun."

"What exactly are the rules?"

"Well there really aren't any, but the idea is basically to catch your target off guard and soak them." Hermione smiled.

"Where do I get a water gun?" Draco grinned.

"Leave it with me." Hermione's smile broadened to an all out grin and she hurried away without another word.


The Three Broomsticks was always quiet on a Saturday lunchtime, most students were either still shopping or back at Hogwarts waiting until the evening to venture out for drinks. In fact on that particular day there were only two patrons and Madam Rosmerta in the entire pub.

"Draco you aren't actually considering it?" Pansy Parkinson, of all people, gasped with horror as Draco had brought up the events of the previous morning.

"Pansy I'm not actually going to kill him, it's a muggle game called assassin, this," the blond waved a blue and orange gun in her general direction, "is a children's toy, it shoots water. It was Granger's idea."

"Since when are you friendly with Granger?" She asked incredulously.

"Since we are the only 8th years insane enough to do Arithmancy." The blond grinned. "Come on Pansy it will be fun."

"I still think you're insane, you would be better off taking him on a date."

Draco spat the mouthful of coffee he'd just taken across the table, soaking it and his friend in the process. "And you think I'm insane?"

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