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Seoyoon breathed in the fresh air, sighing contentedly. 

"Misa, we're so high up!" She said, staring down at the calmed-to-none traffic below her. It was a weekday, not much business happening at the current time.

Seoyoon sneaked out with her closest friend about an hour ago during lunch, running across the school boundaries as they laughed. 

 Misa and her had been friends since the invention of time itself.

First day of kindergarten, they were only two nervous little girls who befriended each other while playing in the sandbox. Those two little girls became each others' saviors, shared numerous sleepovers, birthday parties and experiences together. 

Misa was the best friend you've always wanted.

She'd been there for the other through thick and thin, through the worst moments of her life to the happiest ones. Heck, she was even there for her first kid-boyfriend at 12.

Seoyoon turned behind her, looking for the girl.

 "Mi, come here! Hurry up and look at everything." She called out, hands resting on the railing of the insanely high business building. 

The two students had put on shades and long coats stolen from the school drama club to disguise themselves, sneaking into the posh lobby with their main goal to reach the rooftop and admire the blue skies and the city of Seoul.

Misa shrugged off the disguise and ran over.

  "It's nice." The black-haired girl responded, standing with her closest friend next to the railing.

Seoyoon smiled. "Today's such a beautiful day." She said to her soulmate.

"Say, what do you say for some tteokbokki after, huh?" The excited girl suggested as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ears, still looking up at the clouds.

No response.

"Hello, you there?"

"What, cat got your tongue?" She joked, turning around and giggling to face the girl.

Misa stood there blankly, eyes seemingly lifeless.


What Seoyoon didn't expect, the person who she trusted with her entire life and more placed their hands on her shoulders, and shoved her off the edge of the building.


Yang Jungwon blew his hair out of his eyes, strolling the city sidewalks. He wore a hat and kept himself low profile, not wanting to garner attention as he sulked; hotheaded as another inconvenience added itself to his usually-sour mood.

"I'm sick and tired of eating hellshires, when am I actually going to get some REAL demon food?" He muttered annoyed as his shoulders slouched, hands in his pocket as he strode emotionless and cold.

A chill ran down his spine.

His ears perked as he snapped his head up in confusion, to be met with the sight of a girl falling alarmingly from the top of a high building.

His eyes widened. "What the- what is this idiot doing?!"

Before thinking, he leaped up towards the girl.


Seoyoon yelped, getting hit with the wind as the action sunk in.

"Misa?" She whispered, staring at the distancing edge of the building as her hair whipped around her. She didn't understand, the person who she'd loved and cherished so much just attempted to kill her.

And it was working.

The tears started to form in the corners of her eyes as she shut them. "Is this really the end..?"

Seoyoon accepted it, this was it.

Until she got hit with a hard impact.


She shot open her eyes.

"Am I in heaven?" She asked, panicked. 

"No." A voice said.

Seoyoon looked up to find herself staring at a very attractive young man, holding her in his arms. 

The girl breathed out in terror as she slowly scanned her surroundings.

She was on.. the rooftop of a building? But a different one?

Seoyoon shrieked and scrambled out of the boy's embrace. "Who are you?!" She questioned as she inched away, breathing heavily.

"No, you answer MY question." Jungwon deadpanned. "Are you freaking crazy?! Jumping off a building like that, why would you even THINK of commi-"

"I DIDN'T JUMP!" She exploded, staring at the boy exasperated. "W-who are you..?" She asked once again, voice cracking.

"Uh, a person?" Jungwon replied.

"How did you snatch me out of the air, and land on a building."

"Uhm, magic?" The boy said, internally panicking and losing his cool for a second. You're not really supposed to reveal you aren't a human in the demon guidebook.

Seoyoon stared the at the boy, tears seconds away from falling. "What, don't tell me you're CRYING." Jungwon grumbled.

He sighed, groaning. It would be impossible to lie now. "I'm not human."

"What..?" Seoyoon whispered. 

"I'm not human. I am, but I'm not. I'm a demiboy, okay? Half demon, half human. I've got abilities." the boy rambled, unknowingly. 

Seoyoon stared at him in shock as she teared up even more, droplets falling from her eyes.

"What, did you WANT me to let you die?" Jungwon said, annoyed. "This is all some type of sick joke." Seoyoon breathed out. 

"You can't really be a demiboy. I thought they were ridden of ages ago."

The demi massaged his temples, realization sinking in. "You can't know this. This is bad, okay? I can't expose myself." He said, pacing back and forth, jaw clenched as he visually showed signs of stress. Jungwon the half-human had his habits too, such as rambling when he was nervous.

The full-demons usually included that topic in their daily 'let's-bully-Jungwon-for-no-reason-at-all' morning discussions.

"Forget I ever said anything. Just, get back to your school or something, okay?" He mumbled.

"Look. I just got pushed off a freaking building by my closest friend and this what, demiboy saves me?! At least tell me your name." Seoyoon whispered shakily.

The boy paused, looking back.

"No. you know too much." Jungwon said, before leaping off the rooftop and leaving the girl by herself. 

❝ to you, from above. ❞ - yang jungwon (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now