Broken Hearts And Last Goodbyes

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"Fear is such a beautiful thing.." She said. "It can create the most beautiful tragedies.. Either ruin a life or perfect one.. I love it.."

He looked at her, baffled. "What?" Had she gone mad, he wondered.. Could she hear the words she spoke?

That's when it happened.. "Let the fear set in and create a beautiful tragedy.. I love you." She said before jumping.

He fell to his knees.. Crying. He watched her jump.. Her life had probably just ended before his eyes. The love of his life.. He sat there in shock. Slowly, fear set in..

Several weeks later.

Her death had only brought a minor setback, or so he thought. 

He grew afraid of love for fear of losing another. He kept a distance from all as the depression set in.. Always was he at a loss for words. Daily, he had thoughts of her and what he wished he could change. Soon, his thoughts took him over and changed him entirely...

The depression worsened and his life grew both quieter and darker.. His thoughts became worse and worse. He blamed himself. He stopped talking almost entirely. He began to conduct his thoughts as to how he could see her again...

He realized what had to be done.. He had to die to be with her once more.

He kept to himself even more than before as he planned precisely how to go. He listed his ideas one by one: car, train, building, hanging, or asking someone to take his life for him.. Finally he decided a hanging would be perfect. Where and when were all that needed to be planned.

One night he finally decided it was time... 

He pulled out a pen and scribbled a quick note: 

          "I'm so sorry that this is the way it had to happen. This is the only way to rid myself of the pain

          of losing her. I feel like I'll get to see her again if I succeed. I'm truly sorry for whatever

          problems this may cause you, but you had to realize that I couldn't go on like this for much

          longer.. You all probably saw this coming. If you happen to notice as I'm in the process, just

          leave me and let me die. It's for the best."

 A minute later, someone walked in as he stood upon a chair clenching the note in his hand... Quickly, he crumpled it up and tossed it away in the trash can conveniently located directly beside him..

"What was that..?" She asked.

"Nothing.." He, quietly, answered her.

"You really miss her, don't you?" She asked, looking toward the floor.

"Yeah.. Yeah, I really do. But, missing her won't bring her back.." He said, even quieter than before.

"What if she walked right through that door in a matter of seconds?" She asked, pointing toward the front door. 

"Yeah.. What IF. You know it'll never happen.." He said, feeling slightly annoyed with her.

"But, if you change your thinking, and give yourself a little hope, she could come back. What if you programmed your mind into thinking that?" 

He kept quiet. Still, he couldn't change his brain's thinking.. 

It'll never happen, he thought to himself. She's gone.. She's never coming back. 

After nearly an hour of silence, she leaned in and kissed him.. And, at that very moment the door opened. As she walked in, she looked away and back again.. She tried to blink away the tears, but couldn't manage. Slowly she turned and ran out the door, leaving it to slam shut.

As she ran down the hall, she finally stopped and curled herself into a ball in a corner.. She continued to cry her eyes out. 

My best friend and my boyfriend?, she thought to herself. How could they do this to me?

He rose to his feet and walked toward the door. She, also, stood up and stopped him.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"..To see who that was." He responded.

"No, don't. Just stay here, please." 

"It was her, wasn't it?"

"Like you said before, that would be impossible.. She's gone, face it.."

He shook his head and pulled his arm from her hand and continued out the door.

He looked around, but she was nowhere to be found.

"Stop," a voice said..

"Huh?" He said, confused.

"I can't believe you!" The voice shouted.

"What? Who is this? Where are you?" He asked, even more confused than before.

"I'm purposely out of your site... And, you know exactly what I'm referring to." She said, crying even heavier than before.

"No.. I'm afraid not. Please come out?"

"Fine.." She walked out from behind a big tree. "Know who it is, now?"

"Oh.. My.. Gosh.. You.. You.. You're here.. You're alive? Oh my, gosh.." He said, almost unable to spit any words out. It was her. She was right there before his eyes. 

"Shut up, already," she snapped.

She was back and with an attitude.

"Why are you so mad?" He asked sounding virtually clueless, as he forgot about what had happened just around 15 minutes before when he saw her.. 

"Why?! Are you serious?!" She yelled.

"Yeah, I am!" He yelled back.

"You and her... My boyfriend and my best friend.. Still don't get it?" She said, sounding hurt.

He grew silent.

"That's what I thought," she said calmly.

"Can we talk, please?" He asked.

"What's there to even talk about?" She questioned.

"Everything.." He said quietly. With every word said, he grew sadder and even more depression filled.

She was still here, but she was now mad at him. 

"Fine.." She said after a pause of hesitation.

He began to collect his thoughts and attempted to put them into words.

After finally growing too impatient, she snapped, "Will you just talk already?!"

"Fine.." He said quietly. "There's nothing going on.. There's a bit of a misunderstanding here, okay?"

"You're just wasting my time now.. I'm done hearing lies!" She shouted before quickly walking away. 

"Come back, please!" He called after her.

She ignored him and continued to walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2012 ⏰

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