Chapter 19

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Eunha was woken by the gentle knocks on her door, the soft voice of her soulmate accompanying the rhythm. "Eunha, it is time to wake up now. Can I come in," asked Seokjin.

She tiredly replied, slumber residing imposingly in the creases of her eyelids as she pulled herself up to sit, "uh ha, sure," and the door opened, revealing one of her soulmates carrying with him their shared handsomeness, something Eunha thought she would never get used to. Not even with all the time life had to offer. His movements, nor his ascetic presence for that matter, was not phased by the chair blocking the swing of the door as he was quite use to the shenanigans of his group. He didn't think to ask and Eunha didn't even register the object even as he moved it aside.

"Breakfast is ready," he called as he walked closer to her, a smile marveling upon his face as he noted the plushy she had wrapped in her embrace. Then he saw Yeontan cuddled into a pillow, "um... Taehyung is looking for you. You best go to him before he calls in the search and rescue squad," and seeming to understand, the dog hoped up, tripping past Eunha and gaining a pat before sprinting out the room to find his owner.

"Uh right," Seokjin said as he remembered his purpose, "would you come out for breakfast now, some of us will have to leave for work shortly and we wanted to eat together".

"Oh, yes, I would like to eat together too. Lets go," she replied before hoping up much like her fluffy friend had done, and tripping on her own feet.

They laughed together, Eunha soon moving to stand by his side and they walked, "I thought you guys were on a break? Though, Sejin was here to work the other morning".

"Well yes, we are. It is just we needed to sort some things out, really we normally work much more than this. Oh, and as I mentioned a bit earlier, not all of us have to work today," he said as they made it to the table.

"Yes!" Jimin says excitedly, "Yoongi Hyung and I get to spend the day with you". He may have been reluctant to take this role due to his guilt, but now he had it, by goly he was going to embrace it.

She looked from the expression of her hyper soulmate to that of her other day companion as she took her seat. It was quite a contrast, as she had noticed his expresions to be. But still, she could most certainly see the emotions he tried to temper. Eunha smiled at him, and he returned it endearingly, passing a plate across the table to her.

"So, what do you have to do today," she had asked, curious about their work.

"Oh, you know, management. We have to organise some information, answers, and then present them," Namjoon shruged, trying to be nonchalant, his conscience pounding at the back door of his mind as the half-truths walked with hesitation from his mouth. He did not like hiding the truth by dancing around it with his words.

"It is somewhat nerve wracking," admitted Taehyung, entering from another room and commenting on the fact that Yeontan showed up out of no where. Eunha and Seokjin shared a glance.

"I can imagine it would be," she said, "I hate presenting assignments to my classes, and then, all that is on the line is me. Your job is to advertise a country, I can't imagine how good you are to be able to fulfil such a role," she tried to hype them up, complement their competency, but had no idea if what she said would work, or if it would just end up making things worse.

"No, we really aren't at all as great as that," Hoseok said modestly, "besides, presenting your own work is presenting a part of yourself no matter at what level. It is the same if you do it recreationally, for your education, or for your work, so really, you should be proud of yourself every time you present".

"Thank you," she begain before a startling thought crossed her mind, "oh gosh, what about my studies. I mean, I am in a different time, does my course still exist? My credits? Do I have to start again?"

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