Part 8 teaching

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Rumiya POV

I must teach the third year first good think Tamaki/Zane is there Class3-A and Class3-B are just goanna improve on quirk's attacks and quirk less attacks thank goodness
Tamaki/Zane is here one less student to teach and since his hiding most of his other quirk's and his OK with showing them today and is offering to help me since I had a stressful week because of the twins, and I must bring them it's just goanna be so stressful good thing he offered to help with teaching and taking care of the twins since he already knows what we're goanna teach. Thank goodness for him, if not I'd be
I'm so overworked I might faint. The twins are just getting their teeth it's so stressful everyone in the group is so helpful with the twins

Training Class3-A and Class3-B

I just finished explaining what we're goanna do Tamaki/Zane is going to play the villain and they all have to come up with a plan to capture him as a team and it's goanna be hard Togata Mirio seem confident (He got his quirk back) since he knew him since they were little but if only he knew what an actually brutal person he is when it comes to battles like this where he * Tamaki/Zane* actually try a little because he has multiple quirk's he only uses one and his not even trying all those time he won or got beaten by him now he has to at least use 5 of his many quirk's he has to have one of those restrain bracelets so only can use 1% so he won't accidentally send someone to the emergency room were Recovery Girl won't be able to fix them good thing he has healing and Rewind incase that happens and he insisted he use a restrain bracelet

*TIME Skip* Everyone got into their hero Customs

Mirio POV

The battle just started and there were already people who needed Recovery Girl we tried getting surrounding him and making him give up but that didn't work so we tried insulting him that didn't do s*** it's like the Tamaki we knew was an actual villain undercover to spy on us but we were worn of this so they already knew this side to him and turns out he has more than one quirk 5 to be exact than not even a minute there was just 6 students left including me Nejire and are a few of our friends from are friend group than it was just Me and Nejire he used a sort of quirk that made Nejire screamed like she just saw her biggest fear than he used some sort of quirk on me that made me feel so much pain I was seeing all my nightmares and insecurities me and Nejire were in so much pain seeing are worse fears and insecurities that we boat fainted

But then we saw Tamaki he was healing us all of us and after he was fished, he didn't even look a bit tired from anything like he's done this before but in bigger scales than the
Rabit hero one of the hero's that were teaching that seemed to have not been shocked at this while the other heroes had shocked and horrified looks on their faces, but the Rabit hero said something that blew all are minds

Mirio POV

Tamaki/Zane took it easy on then "Aww did
Mr. Tamaki Amajiki just took it easy took it easy on a battle say in a teasing tone then he replied "Yes" Tamaki/Zane said but something was wrong he didn't teas back...... WAIT then he continued his sentence "Yes, I did take it easy on them since it is their first time facing me with 5 of my many quirks' Mrs. Shimura" Tamaki/Zane said in a smug voice

Hope you all who are reading this are satisfied even a little with this rushed chapter I also hope you all like the song art is not mine

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