Chapter 7

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Meanwhile with kirishima 

He thought about you the whole ride for his next mission ... he thought about how you didn't run, he didn't scare you ,intimidate you or anything ... he sees something in you , he just don't know how to explain yet .. it's only been a couple of hours ..

Sero- Hellooo earth to Kirishima , whatchu thinking about over there ??

Kirishima - Huh oh , I'm just thinking about the mission 

Sero- you're thinking about y/n aren't you ??

kirishima looked at Sero with an shocked expression

kirishima - How did you know ? 

Sero- This whole mission is about Y/n , the whole mission was to kidnap her get her to switch sides so she can be dropped from her position and job 

Kirishima- I know it's only been a few hours but I feel like y/n doesn't deserve this ... I don't know why they want us to do this to her .. 

Sero- Does the villain Eijiro Kirishima have a little crush on y/n in just a couple of hours ?

Kirishima - What no ... shes an agent and works with pro heroes , I'm a villain .. it will never work 

Sero- You never know ...

Bakugou- Hey idiots we're here ...

They all got out  of the car walking into the abandoned building , keeping their guard up just in case anything happens 

??- Seems like you made it , did you capture her ?

kirishima- Yes 

??- Did she tell you anything that pertains to her mission?

Kirishima - she only said she was sent out to find the culprit of the bank robberies and etc 

??- well the only thing you need to do is get her to switch sides and you'll get payed 

Bakugou - Whatever... lets go 

xoxo- Niema  -_- . 

𝘊𝘶𝘭𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘵 (𝘬𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘢 𝘹 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 ) Where stories live. Discover now