Don't ASK Don't TELL

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Don't ask don't tell they say, you see this isn't the military getting calls from his x girl, you don't know what's going on between them, no control over the situation but you're the one getting the call because you his girl. Ops I forgot you’re not really, not his booski, girl, not even his lady. You two walk around together happy as can be people seeing getting ideas soon you'll be a faded memory. You see right now you big ballin, hot shot making the calls, but how long before he sees this isn't the mall. You were once on the top of the whole scene you a queen you should be getting all the finest things. Sitting in the driver’s seat, waving from the majesty. Instead you riding shotgun head down low you'll get hit from the high throne. You see i'm not trying to be negative I’m living in reality I’m younin 18 years old but I know I watch MTV. People lowering their standards just t be happy psh please I’m keeping my standards up you just wait and see. You got high dreams and aspirations honey boo he ain’t on your level do like Mario party and knock him down to toy size, he can be something to look at but don't touch, kissing, hugging, laying down in bed don't lose your beliefs remember you once hated PDA. Don't ask don't tell psh forget that, you ask as many questions as you want and don't take no for an answer. You deserve the best I see but how long will it take for you to see what I see. Saying "he's different, changed not the same" heard it all before the broken record always plays the same thing. Now this isn’t for every guy there are a few apples in the bunch this is just for all those guys that want to munch... on all the girls hearts you see girls are like roses delicate and sweet one touch and it blow the whole thing. I know its hard t find the god guy but they’re out there you just gotta wait and see. Pray about it and keep your faith and the biggest thing if he says "Don't ask don’t tell" then you gotta say "He ain’t for me".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2011 ⏰

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