Prologue: Rescue

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"Come backeth h're, thee dram scamp!!" i hath heard one of the king's knights calleth out.

I didn't turneth 'round to behold, i just hath kept moving. I only hadst one bethought in mine own mind with the sweaty haste of adrenaline in mine own veins.


I couldn't alloweth those folk capture me. I couldn't wend through yond agony again.

Not only wast I unaware of how far I wast from the palace, but I wast eke unaware of what wast right in front of me. As I cameth closeth to stepping off the docks of bonesb'rough bay, I hath felt someone grasp the backeth of mine own shirt.

Those gents've did get me!!!

I did kick mine own forks and squirms in an attempteth to releaseth myself until I hath heard the myst'rious figure speaketh.

"Woah, woah, woah peat. What's did get thee in such a hie?" i hath heard an fusty'r mistress spake.

I did turn mine own headeth to seeth mine own savi'r, who is't w're a strange coxcomb, a r'd bandana, and an eyepatch. H'r hair did resemble a silv'rish lion's mane and the lady hadst a golden tooth yond hath appeared similar to a fang. On top of yond, the lady hadst a petite bird of the night on h'r right shouldst'r. The lady then did drop me onto the dock. The lady did start to speaketh once m're bef're we hath heard an int'rjection.

"Get backeth hither slave! the king hast did order thee to returneth betimes! if 't be true thee doth not returneth betimes, t'll beest seen yond thou art behead'd on sight!"

I skulk'd behind the ag'd dame. If 't be true anyone couldst protecteth me at this moment, t wast this peculiar strang'r I've just hath met.

"Stay closeth, peat," the lady whisp'r'd.

"You! releaseth yond issue. The lady is the prop'rty of the royal family!" the guardeth bark'd.

"Excuse me, but this issue is nay prop'rty. The lady is a parteth of mine own crew. So I has't nay idea what kind of bogus babble thou art spewing. "

I couldn't believeth mine own eyes.

The lady's actually standing up f'r me. Holy the horror.

The lady did toss a container of what I presume to beest doubloons toward that gent. The watchdog fumbl'd t initially, but that gent did manage to seize t concluded, be it.

"I'll doubleth t if 't be true ya alloweth h'r wend," the lady did add in with a sly grineth.

The guardeth did look at the container of loot and hath opened t, much to his astonishment. That gent did glance up with a smirk rising to his visage.

"I've not seen a thing, bird of the night mistress," that gent utt'r'd.

"Good, thee shouldst beest on thy way, anon. And bid mine own sist'r I hath said 'hello' while thou art at t," the lady 'rd'rs as the lady tosses anoth'r container of booty to that gent. "will doth," that gent respond'd as that gent stroll'd hence with two loot bags.

Once that gent wast an immeasurable distance hence, I did stare at the supposed "Owl Lady" and did smile.

"Thank thee. So much. Thee just did save me, twice in the past five minutes. Wherefore?" I hath asked h'r, keeping mine own attention toward mine own feet.

The maiden hesitated, as though the lady wast deep in bethought as the lady did study mine own visage bef're addressing me, "Look peat, I'm not a heartless p'rson. Thou art young, thee shouldst beest free to doth whatev'r. Thee shouldst expl're the w'rld, liketh me and mine own troublemak'rs. Besides, us weirdos has't to sticketh togeth'r y'know?"

I did gaze up at the fusty'r mistress and beam'd.

Us weirdos has't to sticketh togeth'r hm?

"But. I'm a pirate, a not'rious outlaw. So, in exchange f'r me saving thee, thee'll has't to w'rk on mine own crew f'r about six 'r so months. T'll beest hard w'rk, but thou art bett'r off with us than those lunatics, peat," the lady did state, contrasting h'r previous statement.

I pond'r'd this bethought.

Couldst I just beest anoth'r one's prison'r? Am I very much getting hence from the suff'ring? I cullionly the lady didst sayeth we w're did bind to expl're, and yond we weirdos shouldst sticketh togeth'r.

"Deal!" I respond'd with a grineth bef're pulling h'r in f'r an embrace.

"oh- uhh," the lady stamm'r'd bef're awkwardly patting mine own backeth. I relinquish'd h'r from the embrace and pe'r'd up.

"oh, I nev'r hath caught thy nameth, ma'am. "

The lady smirk'd.

"Eda. Eda, the Owl Lady. "

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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