phase 1

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Once a time ,a girl named Alistha works in a very famous newspaper company named 'times now'. Alistha got an opportunity to take the interview of a great businessman tycoon whose name was 'R.P DAMSBURCK' .But the problem came to Alistha was she doesn't know about him anything. and after two days she has to take the interview.
She searched as much information as much she could collect.and after two days , she was well prepared for the businessman's interview.
She knew that the interview will take a long time .So she booked the room for three - four days.
In a very prestigious hotel of SAN FRANCISCO named BTPA HOTEL., commonly known as 'Queen of Francisco'.
In the flight ,Alistha made a long list of questions to ask R.P DAMSBURCK'
After making a long list of questions.
Her special person calls but she couldn't pick up the call because of bad weather.and after a sec she suddenly notice that she has got every information available about the businessman but there was not a single information about his personal life .,to whom he is married or not .,is he cruel or soft hearted nothing the main thing in the informations she received was only about professional life.but there was one name linked with him a few years ago was ,'M.R. RUSTUM.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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