Author note

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Ok! First of! I know that only a very small amount of people actually read the author note at the very start of a book. But Plz read these xD

Ok! Now that I have some people attention, lemme go directly to the point. I wright to the pleasure to wright, I'm no professional and my grammar really suck xD! So it is normal if some word just don't sound like they should or just aren't supposed to be there. It happens ok. Like said in the description: character don't belong to me nor any art piece like the book cover or random image that may appear in the book.

So I have some rules too-

My grammar bad! I know! I don't need to be remembered of it xD! But if a little grammar error really bug you to the point you need to stop all your doing to wright me a message about it! Go ahead:3 but you have been warned! I don't want any drama queen text just cause of a word or a sentence your inner grammar teacher didn't like. I don't want anything rude! And I reserved the total wright to ignore any comment or message, block people or delete there public message.  But if you are just correcting me, do it in a fun way! That would be nothing but helpful to get some help with my grammar!Thanks you~

I'll be talking about magic here! Not magic like the one from hiro mashima did, I mean witchcraft! So it may seem weird to you if you don't know what it is. And for the one Wo do know, I insist on saying: everyone have there own way to practice it! So I won't go deep in details so to not cause any fight with you readers and, if I do wright something not right to your way of doing, plz take care of your own practice and let it pass, it just a Wattpad fanfiction! You'll be alright! And we won't be talking dieties either, by respect for them and for you. Thank you.

Some scene may sound familiar, it alright! I'm no professional wrighter! I easily get influenced by the world around me, tv shows like books. All of them behing change of course to not copy anyone!

If you reader all of this, next time you wrote me a comment, had a little « 📍 » emojis at the start of it! You'll be sure I'll go read your comment and answer it! Probable even fallow you! XD

That will be all for my rules! Thanks you!

Enjoy the rest-

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