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-Wedding day-
I was looking at myself in the mirror with Jasiline holding my hand.

-Wedding day-___I was looking at myself in the mirror with Jasiline holding my hand

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    Jasiline 2

Jasiline:You wook amazing mommy.
Me:Thank you baby.

Your dress

Vallyk:Y/n You gotta go out there

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Vallyk:Y/n You gotta go out there.
I take a deep breath and exhale.
Jasiline walks put and starts taking the flowers out  of the little basket she had.
After she did that she sits next to Kobe.
I walk into the church and everyone looks at me.
I see Trent standing on the stage smiling big at me.
I go up to him.
I look back at her and smile.
Trent:You look beautiful like always mama.
Me:And you look handsome.
Preist(Trent dad): You both may say y'all vowles.
(I think that's how u spell it🌚)
Me:I want to say thank you for always being there for me in the hardest times and always staying with me when my dad passed,You put up with Me being annoying-
Trent:Your not annoying mama.
Me:Yea I am but thank you so much for everything and having your kid with me.
I Love You So Much Baby.
Trent:I love you too.
I want to say I've never met anyone who gets me like you do, I could say any random thing and you catch on very fast and talk to me about it.
I love how you will always ask me what's on my mind and would always help me no matter What.
I love you mama.
Priest:Do you take Y/n as your beloved wife?
Trent:Yes I do.
Priest:Do you take Trent as your beloved Husband?
Me:Yea I do.
He slips the ring in my finger.
Priest:You may ki-
He grabs me by the waist and kisses me.

I look back at her and smile.
From that day on he always stayed my side.

The end

A/n"Tell me if y'all want a sequel to dis 👀

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