Chapter 5: Come on, Let's Go.

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Two loud and firm knocks were heard in the middle of the night, and Hange who was just reading notes on her Titan experiments, raised a brow at the sound. Who on earth was still wide awake at night and chose to come to her? In a slightly wary tone, she called out to the person outside her door. "Come in!"

The wooden door creaked on its hinges as it was pushed open, and a familiar short, yet well built figure with raven-black hair appeared, closing the door behind him once he entered. Levi was still in his uniform, arms crossed across his chest with his usual look of indifference on his face. Hange was surprised to see him in her room at this late of night, but still remain seated on her chair and waited to see what Levi was here to do.

"Four eyes, can you tell me more about... someone?" The captain asked, approaching Hange at her desk. "I'm curious about her."

Still slightly stunned, she quickly gestured to an empty chair. "Of course Levi, now take a seat!"

The screech of a chair being dragged across the wooden floor by Levi made Hange slightly wince as he sat down, but quickly she recomposed herself and sat up straighter. "Now tell me what's the problem."

"Have you talked to a soldier by the name Mikasa Ackerman?" Levi's question came out a little rushed, his tongue slurred over the words. "As in talk to her? Not a shitty greeting like you idiots always do."

"Talk? I think I did. But she only told me about the Jaeger family adopting her ever since her parents died. What about her though?"

The Captain remained silent and averted his gaze, ignoring Hange's question. But the soft tint of pink gradually forming on his cheeks didn't escape her expert eye.

"Levi? Are you blushing?" Hange asked in a playful tone, leaning forward on the table so she could get a closer look at his reddened cheeks.

At her question, Levi looked away from her, trying in vain to hide the fact that he was indeed turning into a peach. "What the hell four eyes? I'm not!"

"Oh yes you are, shorty! It's so rare to see you crushing on someone. It's so cute!"

"But... for real, four eyes. What is wrong with me?"

Hange was taken aback by his earnest look, and decided to tone her laughter down. "It's not wrong to like someone, Levi. It's something we all experience! It's what makes us human."

A heavy sigh escaped Levi, and he replied: "All I can think about is her. Ever since the time I confronted her in the training courtyard."

Resting her chin in her hand that was propped up on the table, Hange said in a suggestive manner: "Hmm... Why don't you drop hints for her?"

"Hints? Are you out of your mind, four eyes?" Levi huffed.

"Yeah, hints! Make more eye contact with her, maybe care for her more? Anything you can think of!"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, the Captain sighed heavily. "Anything? I think I came to the wrong person to talk about this."

"As long as you respect her choices and actions, you should be fine, shorty! By the way, you look so cute when you're in love." The woman chuckled, leaning back in her chair. It was a rare sight to see this grumpy, short tempered captain in love, and she was determined to make it happen.

Standing up from his seat, Levi let out a sigh, pushing the chair back to its original position. "I'm not cute, you idiot. If you dare say that again, I'll not catch any titans for your crazy experiments again. At least I can spare them the agony."

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