Searching For You

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Hi! I'm Janetta, 
        I live in England (I know, I'm lucky) and I have lived in London for about 3  months. My dad recently got a job here so we moved from a small town called Magna in Utah to the beautiful yet different London, England. I'm only 15 so this is quite a change for me. About 9 other families got moved from all over Utah so they'll probably become some of my best friends here in London. School is starting soon and I'm REALLY nervous! I hope I have some classes with the other kids from Utah  so it won't be SO awkward. Luckily, we all live in the same neighborhood so we should all be going to the same school. I'll let u know more about me later so for now, I am just your average happy and funny new girl.

:) Bye for now! (: ~I love you no matter what!~

Hey! I'm Carisha,
        I moved to England (I catch on quickly with accents so I have a British accent now by the way) about 3 months ago right when I finished my 8th grade year so you can tell I am 14 but I am turning 15 in January. I used to live in Kearns, Utah which is one of the best places to find fine looking people but I've noticed, England DEFINITELY has better looking people than Kearns has haha. Other than the fit looking people Kearns is so not even as pretty as London is. I already have some (like 10) people from Utah so I'm not fully alone England. Since my mom got the job here in London I haven't gotten to see my boyfriend which doesn't help either of us. I know I love him and he loves me. Go ahead and say we're too young or whatever but if we didn't love each other we would have already split up and all that. We both have talked about our plans for the future and we both agreed that when we turn 18 we're going to meet up and get married. Well, I really need to go Skype my boyfriend and unpack the rest of the boxes that arrived.

Bye! ~Just remember, you are truly beautiful inside AND out!~  

Ollo! I'm Maddy,

   Just to start out with myself let me just tell you that I am VERY hyper most of the time so if you don't like very happy, weird, and hyper people you will most likely not like me. So beware of my awkwardness. I know when to be quiet and respectful so don't go all "You're just an immature 16 year old with ADHD." because that's not nice.  Anyways, yes I am 16 and I now live in London. I moved from West Valley, Utah to the famous London, England. I got to have my Sweet 16 party back in Utah so don't freak out and feel bad for me. MONKEYS! Sorry, I have these moments where I just say random things out loud and it's funny to watch people's facial expressions haha. I can't wait for school to start because I'll get to make more friends and be in the school play.  I wonder if we'll be getting to do a Shakespeare play this year or not...hopefully. I wonder if we'll do Romeo & Juliet because I want to get the part for Juliet and fake my death since I'm good at that haha. Wish me luck! I'm going to go to the community theatre right now to see if they have any upcoming auditions. :) Ta ta for now!

*CookieMon$ter* P.S. Eat your carrots, they keep your eyesight good :)  

Aloha! I'm Shakiba,

        As you can tell by my picture I like to be a bit "different" I just like to mix things up and not take pictures that make me look. From my picture you can also tell that I look a bit older than 15 but that's literally how old I am. I moved from Salt Lake City, Utah where everyone liked to be different and show their real selves. To me, being myself is going up to random strangers and saying hello just because I am very nice and like to be a bit more social. I like to stay in my comfort zone but I know that going out of it a few times can actually help me. Sometimes people say I look like a teddy bear or act like one because people like to cuddle me. I guess I'm just a comfortable person to be around. I don't make many enemies because of how nice I am and the one's who don't like me are just jealous because I am so liked and they aren't. That was mean, scratch that. Oh, and just to let you know I have a weird phobia of spoons. I don't know why they are just too round and awkward looking. I'm fine with the baby spoons because I like to chew on them but other than that, spoons are creepy. Maybe it was because of my brother telling me scary stories that involved spoons... I'll get back to you on that.
~Talk to someone new everyday, it might just benefit not just them, but you!~

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2014 ⏰

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