New Plans and New Dos.

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February 12th, 2015.

I was sitting in the salon chair, debating on a color to dye my hair.

The salonist asked, "What color did you want?"

"Well I'm not really sure. Ive had blonde in my hair for the past 8 months."

"Did you wanna try something different?"

She took in a longer look at my hair," Well I could touch up your roots, highlighting the the mid section of your hair,  making your 8 blonde a 5."

I thought about what it would look like, and she seen that, "Or we could do a different color?"

"How about a red?"My mom suggested.

Red doesn't sound so bad.

"Should I get a book to show you colors, and shades?"

"Yes please. "

She came back with a book of options, and then the minute I seen what I wanted.


3 hours later, my hair was now red, and 3 inches cut off.

And thank god, it didn't take longer, because Ryan was coming to my house to take me to the mall.


I beated him to my house. I was at least home for 5 minutes before Ryan got here.

I opened the door once it knocked. I pulled back my hair a bit but then flipped it so it was on my shoulders and in my face so he could see the dramatic change in color and length.

His eyes widing and a smile spreading.

"You like it?"

He smiled and nodded.

"Mom! I'm leaving out! " I shouted through the front door.

"Okay. Hello Ryan."

"Helllooo." He waved into the house.

"Hi best buddy Ryan. " Jordan said coming to the door,  smiling.

"Hey little man." He smiled.

We got inside Ryan's friend,  Josh's car, and his son was in the back seat.

"Awww." I cooed as I shut the door and seen him in his car seat, he immediately started to make noise.

They turned around to us, "He hasn't said nothing all day, til now." Ryan said, referring to Joshua.

I looked up and smiled, "Josh this is Cieara,  Cieara this is Josh. "

We exchanged hi's and we pulled off to the direction of tri county mall, because we went to get his girlfriend Becky from work which is literally next to the mall.


It wa cute seeing Ryan socialize and knowing he actually did have friends. Because don't get me wrong, I didn't even know he had friends. I mean that as in besides me and his brothers. He never really talks about them, so I just assumed he was a family and girl friend orientated kind of boy.

Bur once we came to her job, Ryan moved to the back seat with me and the handsome baby boy, while she sat in front.
And let me tell ya, they were a beautiful family. They really were.

When we got in the mall, Ryan told me his purpose of us being here.

It was to basically get my late Christmas present. Which was my nirvana shirt I've been wanting for god knows how long, but my parents just never got me it 

He immediately takes my hand into his and we walk to the section of the mall where you the map of locations stood.

"Okay we need to go upstairs to the left." His best friend Josh said, leading the way.

So we got on the escalator, and the minute I was about to step foot, "Please don't fall. Or trip."

And I swear at that moment, I nealry did. And I was wearing boots!

"Haha I told you not to."

I recollected myself, "That's because you jinxed me. " I mumbled because it was true.

We went inside Hot Topic, immediately going to the back wall where shirts are.

"Pick any one you want." He gestured his hand to the many suggestions.

My eyes wandering every where but my ears picking up the toon to Paradise by Green Day.

"Twiddle my thumbs just for a bit, I'm sick of all the same old sh-"

"You know this song?"

"Yea, young Billie Joe is life."

"Your life." He said looking down at me, "Cmon pick a shirt. Any one you want."

After at least 10 minutes of pointing out band tees of the musicians we liked, such as:
●Green Day
●Iron Maiden
●My Chemical Romance
●Led Zeppelin
●Ghost Town

It took us awhile to spot the nirvana shirt, but soon realized beneath the wall was all the shirts and more to choose from.

He lucked up a grey nirvana one, with pink floral making up the logo.

"Babe, this is something youd wear."

It is.

"I like it! "

"Wanna get it?"

I nodded and we went to the cash registerx as the employee ringed us up he noted that if you buy something of 20 dollars value you get 50 percent off anything in the store.

After convincing Ryan we should get the regular grey and yellow matching nirvana shirts, paid for both and we went out to where he left his friend.


We walked around,  visiting other stores and such,  til we wondered to the food court.


"Are you hungry baby?" He asked, tighting our hands grip, smiling down at me.

"Uh yea, a little."

He had my purse and the Hot Topic bag, "What do you want to eat? "

"Anything you want."

"What are you guys gonna eat? "Josh asked turning around from the smoothie place with his kid in hand.

"Well were not sure yet. She doesn't eat meat. Plus shes allergic to everything."

Pfff not everything.

"Theres lots of options in here."

"Were gonna walk around to find something."

"Alright man. "

We walked around eyeing the booths, Chinese places asking if he wanted to try certain samples, "Im sorry. I can't, " he lifted our interlocking hands in the air, "This one has allergies."

We walked around til his eyes fested apon this pizza place. He turned and looked at me, "Pizza?"

"Pizza. " I smiled.

Any one who knows me, knows I LOVE pizza.

He ordered to slices of cheese pizzas.

Let me tell ya, these pizzas were huge. And delicious. I love pizza.

We sat down and enjoyed our pizza as we discussed about random subjects.


We had went into other stores that night like Rue 21, Panda Express (to pee )and more just being the cool kids we think we are.

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