Not Harry Potter

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A rainy morning, Lily is in a good mood. She hops through the school main gate and waves to Tarutaru. She waves back at her and they walk inside.

"Aah, I wish we'd get to do some real magic already! I wish they'd teach us spells that I could use to have some fun!" Lily says as they're walking towards the 2nd Grade hallway. Suddenly Rose steps in front of Lily, having heard her before.

"Wake up child, this is not Harry Potter. This is serious business, not just running through hallways in your fancy cloak and shouting nonsense words and making sparkly things do stuff. Magic is real, and it has a cost in its use. You learners are so privileged to be able to only draw in power when you need it and otherwise ignore it," Rose exclaims and her hair starts to glow faintly.

Rose continues without taking a breath "Do you have any idea what it is like to live with it 24/7? To have your body filled with magic when you're just eating breakfast, or washing your teeth in the morning!" Her eyebrows glow faintly pink and pink eyeliner emerges from the corners of her eyes, swirling its way onto her face like a tiny living snake.

"You do not know what happens if you are a little sad during the evening, or when you have nightmares. The morning you wake up and you drop something and it makes you angry. You. do. not. Have. any. right. to— " An intricate eyeliner has drawn itself over her eyes, her hair glows brightly pink and glowing white-pink swirly tattoos cover her wrists like beautiful jewelry. Her eyes glow faintly pink. She glances at her wrists and gasps. Rose closes her eyes, draws a long breath. The designs start to fade away and the glow disappears.

"This. This is what it is to have magic." Rose says and spreads her arms wide, "Don't wish on things you have no idea about." She turns around and storms away, small glowing pink embers fly in the air after she's gone and slowly float to the ground and then disappear.

"Well,..." Lily starts and glances guiltily at Tarutaru, who grins at her.

"You got scolded." Tarutaru whispers.

"And how." Lily says with her eyes open wide. They both look to the direction Rose went and start after her, towards the classroom. 

Lily & Rose: Blossoming MagicWhere stories live. Discover now