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this story will involve many inappropriate behaviors
Read at your own Risk..

Busy life , same steps repeating. Get up , eat , go to class , work , eat and go back to sleep. That's my life as a college student . I don't get paid much at my job , and I definitely don't get enough rest for any of this .

I've always had trouble some relationships. We would end up being together but then breaking up over childish shit . I've been single for the past year or two , who cares. Pretty much want to continue to get my education, and move on.

I decided to stop by the grocery store to get a few snacks for a party my dear friend is having tonight . It's going to be at his apartment so hopefully it will be a good time and a perfect time to get wasted. I text him just to make sure if I should grab anything else ..

' Hey Denki! I grabbed 3 family sized bag chips , 2 of the 2 liter sodas , and pretzels , anything else ?'

' no that's perfect y/n! everyone else has everything, you good , now get dressed and let's party !'

I make my way to the line and check out then I remembered , maybe I should ask Denki to help me find something to wear for the party so I send him a text back to meet me at the nearest mall and we can both find us something there.

-time skip-

We both meet up and head inside .

" Sooo , y/n what kind of outfit you lookin for hm?" He locks elbows with mine .

" I'm not really sure Denki , what do you think ?"

He unlinked arms and jumps infringe of me and does his little thinking face .

" Hmmm , so I'm you know I'm thinking a little you know 'badass bitch' with a little mix of like hmmm 'im still innocent', you know ? Soo let's put on some black jeans right ? Okaaay , then let's find you a nice black but revealing corset you know ?? Yeaaa I know you like my ideas . Then , to top it off black conversation."

He stands there with both his hands up and feels very victorious . I laugh and agree with his decision and he jumps up and down in excitement and a little electric bolt comes out of his head.

" WHOA , whoa , whoa , calm down before you electrocute someone!"

He laughs and then apologized.

" Sorry but you know , I'm the best , best friend you could ever have ."

We take off to find my materials and clothing I will need for the party . No need to find something for Denki , he already has something to wear at home he says .

We leave the mall and make it to his house . Fun fact , we love literally in the same building but just 2 floors apart , so I pretty much crash there whenever I want. That means makeup and accessories are already there . In fact , I should just say it's my second home so why not .

I turn on my SZA playlist and begin to curl my hair and put makeup on. I decided to go with a nude natural look but pop a little black in there somewhere .

" Hey y/n , what should I .... whoaaa! You look absolutely Gor- I mean AWESOME!"

I giggle and thank him .

" like I was saying , what should I put out first , alcohol on the counter or sodas in cooler or the opposite and no alcohol?"

" ummm first option !"

" alright thanks ! OH BY THE WAY, party it starts at 7 and its umm 6:45 so HURRY UP!"

"Okay , okay  , okay I'm already done !"

-time skips-

This place is packed ! There's over at least 40 people here in one apartment. I joined the fun and started taking shots back , to back , to back . Music is load and everything is great . That's until I look around and see a hot , blond haired guy. Seems to have a bit of muscle on his arms . He has a black muscle shirt on which you can see all of his abs through. He sits back on the couch with a beer bottle in one hand where he has 2 visible rings and veins flowing all throughout his arms and his head layed back. I walk over to him to see who he is .

" hey , who are you ?"

He looks at me up and down and looks back away . I plop right next to him on the couch and bother him.

" I know I'm a bit drunk but , I want to know who you are sir ? Wanna take some shots with me ?"

He shrugs his shoulders and we both go up to the counter and I pour him one shot . He takes it to the head and drinks every bit and doesn't make a face afterwards . Everyone cheers and laughs . He pours me one and I look him in his eyes and he says in his deep raspy voice.

" your turn precious girl ."

I take a deep breath and take the shot and look right back down at him after the shot . Everyone is cheering once again but we stare at each other like no one else is in the world .

" hi , my name is y/n ."

He looks at me and says .

" nice to know , come with me I'm going to get more alcohol."

He kisses me on the cheek and before I go I take one more shot and then take off behind him but I hear foot steps behind me as well and it's Denki.

" Hey ! y/n where you goin?"

I look down the hall to see Bakugo is gone and I look back at Denki .

" I'm just going to get something from my apartment upstairs , I'll be back."

" oh well , um okay ! Hurry and come back !"

I nod and give him a hugs and take off to the car garage to see Bakugo standing in front of his car .

" alright let's go ?" I said .

Suddenly he slowly pulls a bat from behind him and all I remember is seeing a spiky haired blonde dude swinging at me .

{ Bakugo's POV}

I knock her cold out . I check to see if she seemed to be breathing and check her pulse and luckily this bitch is still alive .

I pick her up and throw her and my bat in the back seat.

I go around the car and get into the drivers seat and take off driving to my hidden place very far away and out from this area .

this will be very fun .

my kidnappers  [bakugo x Denki x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now