Adventuring the castle

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Ochako's POV

I was still in the dress I woke up in. I love it. Where am I? Where are my sisters!? I don't know. Anyways I'm walking down a hall reading the doors name tags

'Tenya Iida' that's the room I came out of.



'The Great and Powerful one'

'Shoto Todoroki'



I countuie my adventure around the castle. But then I started to remember I woke up in this dress....Who changed me!?!??!

"I see your awake."

I look up at the voice. A man with dark blue hair and glasses on is in front of me.

"Your Tenya Iida?"

"Indeed. I hope you like the dress. It belonged to my mother. She died decades ago..."

"I'm so sorry..."

"It's fien. Do not worry she wasn't wearing the dress when she died. She wore it in special occasions."

"I see...I have questions."

"Of course what are they?"

"First one is...Wherw am I?"

"At the castle."

"Wait...Castle!?!? Are you royal!?!?"

"No....It's quite old though. It was just for sale so me and my friends bought it."

"Okay. My second question is..."

"Wasn't the royal one you second question?"

"No...I wa just surprised you lived in a castle...Sorry for yelling"

"It's quite alright."

"Anyways. My Second question is...Where are my siblings?"

"You mean the 6 others who were also brought here?"


"Their with the people who rescued them. Most likely still passes out."

"Okay. My third question is....Who changed me...?" I ask with a little bit of blush

"I had one of the maids do it. All of us who weren't male or didn't rescue a female had a maid change them."

"I see. My fourth question is....Are any of you and your friends vampires...?"

"We are but I made sure they didn't take any of you and your siblings blood"

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