× C H A P T E R 1 ×

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"Didn't you know, she's always the mean one, never the kind one. It's like the only thing that she can do perfectly is messing up someone's day".
Their voices echoed through the hall way.
" I mean duh, does she have ANYTHING else to do aside breaking something, taking something from others, bullying someone for NO reason".
I wish they would just shut up. They don't know anything about me, but they are so quick to judge me... Then again, I don't blame them.
I am at fault for making them afraid whenever I'm around. After all, it was me who terrorised, mocked, and bullied them.  But they don't have any idea how much I wish that things would be different... Still - I won't take the blame to myself.
Call me selfish if you want, but my parents are the one to blame.  All adults are children. Not only in their hearts, as others like to say, but just in life. They hold their lives as good as a child would hold a toy, which means its either A- takes care of it as well and best as they can, or B - drops it.
My parents only have the idea of having their lives under control, but in reality they have dropped their lives down low in the shadowy shallows. So much for having a "perfect" image... Conclusion - its not worth it.
In all honesty, would someone rather have money and fame, but no love, or have just enough to survive, but not be one of the rich people, however have something that, in my opinion, everyone would die for - love.
Its funny that people say 'money can buy happiness', because it is true. Although, not all the time, like in this love situation - you really can't buy love. A person saying yes to money, isn't an agreement to love you - it's an agreement to take your money for ones selfish wishes. That's why this statement has both negative and postive sides.
- Hey, watch it.
Who the hell-
- I'm talking to you, are you deaf? - the same voice called.
- No, I'm not deaf, but maybe actually blind. - I say, as I look around to find no one.
- Ha ha, funny. Just maybe turn around?
I did as the voice said, but still - saw nothing.
- Okay, I think I'm losing it.
- Huh? What. You're losing nothing, well maybe time. - the voice said, this time, louder and more sincere.
What? What does this mean, I'm losing time.
- A-alright, um...
- Listen, I don't have much time myself so if you would just listen carefully and stayed focused, we can get this over with.
Get this over with? What the hell are they even talking about-
- I'm not talking about anything because you're not letting me get a word in, so if you could just-
The bell. Another nerve wrecking day is over, time to go back home and pretend that I love living with my parents.
- Hey! Where are you going? I told you that we need to talk- hey-are you even listening -
I ignore the voice and rush out of the school, opening the main doors widely with force. That's how the cue works- i show power and everyone leaves me alone. Well, maybe not everyone, like that girl, Kim. Always the first and the last to get on my  nerves. At school in the morning, and usually more at the end. How's she not tired yet?
I walk out, hurrying to the parking area where my black Yamaha MT-09 motorcycle is parked. If I will reach the parking space without being bothered by Kim, it will be a miracle sent from God, and perhaps even a good sign. I pick up the pace, with hope that I would get there faster. But of course to my shitty luck as always, Kim is here to make this day even more miserable.
- Well, well, isn't it Eliza, where are you rushing to? - she walked around me slowly.
- Non of your business, Kim. - I spat her name at the end.
- Ohh, why so bitter? - she made a sad face that turned into a mocking grin.
I freaking hate this girl with all my being. Wish I could smack that grin off of her stupid face.
- We just came to see how our favourite person was doing-
- Don't play dumb with me. What the hell do you want today? I see you've made a pretty bad habit of nagging me after school. Have nothing better to do? - I asked her whilst rasing my head at the end and softening my last question.
She looked at her 'girlfriends' and made an annoyed face. She didn't like that one bit.
- Jeez, stepped out of the bed on a wrong foot, didn't ya? Why so angry, you should smile more, maybe then you'd look more like a normal person rather than an outcast freak, with rich parents, but no social skills. - she spat it  out, laughing and making others around her laugh.
You know when you've had enough, and you just want to slap someone really hard? Yeah, I didn't want to slap her, because if I did, she would fly, though me pushing her into the road doesn't seem like a different ending either.
- Listen up, babrie wannabe. I don't have time to listen to your bullshit, especially after another shitty day. So take your dogs with you like a good owner, get your shit AND priorities straight and get the FUCK OUT OF MY FACE, you plastic-look-a-like.  - I snapped at her, making her jaw land lower than the hell itself.
Good, she deserves to know the truth.
- Y-you, y-you little BITCH! - she yelled and grabbed me by my color - the FUCK did you just say to me?! - she yelled like a maniac.
- The fuck did I just said. What, you deaf or something? - I yelled back.
I could see the redness hitting her face.
- Say something, I dare you, you pathetic waste of space. - she spat at me.
This was fun for me, even though someone might think I'm actually insane in the brain, this is more interesting than watching any kind of action movie.
I looked at her waiting face, that was filled with rage. I got closer to her face, smiled and said:
- Suck.It.up. Sweetie. - and spat at her face.
Her angry face turned into shock and then disgust as she felt all of the wetness on her face.
She whipped it off as quickly as possible, took a step back and lifted her eyes, to lock with mine.
This is it. The moment I'll take as happiest memory to my grave. Oh, and especially that moment, when Kim Riders, bolted at me with all of the speed her cheerleading legs gave, and pushed me. Pushed me hard. And though it seemed cool, everything in slow motion, like in the movies, I won't forget that high pitched, loud, worse than an alarm to school honking sound, that came from the left side. And when I turned around, I saw a car, honking, and flashing its car lights at me, breaking the brakes. It would have been all good, if the driver had managed to do that a bit faster, because after the light got closer and I felt a hit, and then electricity or rather a thunder rush through my body - everything went dark.

With Love, Elizabeth Where stories live. Discover now