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Just thought I'd write a little thing because my views have changed a little.

I wrote this back before I got more involved in the tumblr side of the kotlc and so saw Fitz at face value. As such, this story is pretty anti-Fitz.

I would like to say that while Fitz's anger in the books can't be entirely, they are also a result of trauma and self hatred. He's put on a pedestal, the golden boy. It isn't entirely his fault. His father (really everyone) puts a lot of pressure on him to be perfect. 

I think that his anger issues are a result of pushing down thoughts that stray from the ideals he's been taught. Where Keefe bottles up his emotions and puts them out in the form of sarcasm and humor, Fits just lets them boil until it's too late. He also regrets his actions, which further proves that he doesn't want to be like this. But change is hard, especially when you've been told there's only one way to exist your whole life. 

Again, this definitely doesn't mean I think Fitz is totally in the right. He needs to learn that Alden's approval isn't the only thing out there. He needs to work on his anger.

The point of this was mainly to ask for the toning down of Fitz hate comments (there hasn't been a super recent uptick or anything, I've just been meaning to do this for a while and finally figured out the best way to get it across). Fitz is many people's comfort character because they relate to him. Real people deal with anger issues, and shaming him is also shaming those people.

I've actually considered deleting this because of how much my feelings on Fitz have changed. In the end, I'm not going to, because people seem to still be enjoying it and I don't want to take that away. 

I will just add on and give a little shameless self promo though. I'm writing a new kam fic (have been for a while, so if you're not reading it, where are you?) called Learning to Be Happy Again that is very void of painting Fitz as the villain. In fact, he's working through his issues and I'm thinking of making a sequel of that story from his perspective.

Yeah, that's all. Well, also, this was written before Tam joined the Neverseen so it's way off canon now, but what're you gonna do.

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