Part 50

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Blake impatiently waits for Joanna to tell him about his family's history, anxious about what he's going to hear. After the woman dropped the bomb on him, the four of them - Blake, Lia, Joanna and Sawyer - went to Lia's house to talk in peace. It's better to hear whatever Joanna has to say in private.

"Are you going to talk or are we going to sit here in silence forever?" Blake demands.

"Your father hid this from you because he left the family a long time ago... - Joanna starts tentatively - Our family has a long history..."

"What history?"

"We train and employ assassins."

"So our family is some sort of mafia?" Blake raises his brow in pure disbelief. It can't be, right?

"Not really. - Joanna shakes her head sternly - We're not a mafia or a gang. We're an organization that specializes in a specific type of service."

"Killing people." Lia concludes.


"And my dad? Was he a part of this?"

"He was meant to be the head of the family, but after he met your mother, he decided otherwise. Your mother didn't agree with Jared's job. She always said that she didn't want him to kill people when she did her best to save them."

"A doctor and an assassin. Damn, what a pair." Blake chuckles amusedly then turns to his girl. "But we're still better than them, aren't we?" He smiles knowingly.

"We are." Lia grins.

"Do you mean the fact that you're an underground fighter? It's not that unusual..." Sawyer trails off with a frown.

"It's not about that. - Blake smirks - My Lia isn't some average woman, she's extraordinary."

It takes Joanna only a moment to understand that what happened earlier in front of the clubhouse was indeed Lia's fault. "You burned Sheila." She gasps in shock, staring at Lia with wide eyes.

"I did." Lia affirms, slightly enjoying the dumbfounded looks on both Joanna's and Sawyer's faces.


"That's a secret. - Lia smirks teasingly - I'm not sure if I can tell you that yet."

"I think it's fine, babe. If they know who you are, they will be less inclined to betray us, don't you think?" Blake's lip quirks up slightly, getting a smug smile from his girl.

"True that. - Lia says then turns to Joanna and Sawyer - I'm a witch." She states, getting confused looks from the couple before they turn to shock, and then fear.

"You're not lying..." Joanna gasps, realizing the girl is telling the truth.

"Of course I'm not."

"How is it possible? It can't be.... It's not real..."

"It is." Blake nods. "But we're not telling you this without reason. I want you to realize that if you ever decide to go against me or you threaten my woman again, - he glares at Sawyer as he says this - we will get rid of you."

"We're not ordinary people anymore. - Lia adds seriously - And we're not afraid to kill those who try to hurt us." She states, making sure Joanna and her man know that it's better to not mess with her and Blake. She's beyond protective of him, just like he is of her, and anyone that tries to get between them or cause them harm will die a painful death.

"I was right all along. You were made for this life." Joanna smiles proudly at her nephew and his girl. "I have no doubt in my mind that you two should take over the family business. - she states then turns directly to Blake - You're the next in line of succession since I have no kids of my own. I know you've handed Jared's company over to someone and you're an intern there. I know you probably have plans of your own, so I won't try to force you to do anything. Not now. You're still young, you can take your time to think about this. But I want you to know that you can take over whenever you're ready. You're a Knight, you were meant to be the next head of the family."

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