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This will be a short story!

Sana's POV.

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That's all I've ever known.

I panted as I heard the sound of rushed footsteps behind me. I increased my pace and jumped over a log, not stopping.

I wasn't safe.

The sound of loud barking mixed with yells of anger came from behind me.

Shit! They released the dogs!

Thick forest surrounded me. It was hard to not trip over tree roots, branches, bushes, or even rocks when running.

I heard running water and headed towards it. A river is the only thing that can save me now. I'll be safe as long as I reach the river.

I didn't look behind me as I sprinted. Many fallen leaves were on the ground, making such loud noises as I stepped on them. Beads of sweat dripped down my face.

I eventually came to a sudden stop, a cliff right in front of me. I panted and realized that the river was forty feet below the cliff. I bit my lip and whipped around, I saw the body of dogs and men running towards me.

I either jump or get caught by them.

My gaze kept flickering from the river to the mob heading towards me. Panic welled up inside me as they got closer to me. I needed to make a decision right now.

The men had such cocky smirks on their faces when they noticed I was basically cornered. They stopped their running and slowly approached me. The dogs didn't stop their sprint though.

One of the large dogs pounced as it got close enough to me. Without a second thought, I jumped over the cliff. I felt the air of the dog's jaw close near me, barely missing my hand.

I let out a scream as I plummeted.

It was not even ten seconds later when I plunged into the river, feet first. It felt like something harshly slapped my whole body because of the height I jumped from. I sank to the bottom, frozen from the shock.

After a few seconds of being disoriented, I quickly swam upwards. My head burst through the water as I breathed in air, panting. I swam idly, trying my best to calm myself down.

Adrenaline pumped through my veins.

I looked up to the cliff I jumped from to see one of the men standing at the ledge, glowering at me, eyes full of malice and hatred. It was my turn to smirk and send him a little wave, motioning for him to join me in the water.

He turned and walked away in a fit of anger. I chuckled lowly to myself.


I waded over to the little river cliff and lifted myself onto it. I laid down on the grassy ledge, staring up at the bright blue sky. My clothes stuck to my skin as I caught my breath.

I needed to get moving, it won't take long for those men to make their way down here. I jumped to my feet, wringing my shirt before starting a jog the opposite direction where I came from.

Following the direction of the river, I picked up the pace and started running. A rustle from the trees to my left caught my attention. I slowed my pace and narrowed my eyes into the thick forestry.

The distant sound of dogs barking made me increase my pace again, I needed to create as much distance as possible.

An unsettling feeling was in the pit of my stomach as I continued my run.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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