Marathoning (Castiel/Reader)

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You all but barreled onto the couch, grabbing one of the softest pillows you could and nuzzling your head into it. Your excitement was pouring out of you that anyone walking into the room would be hit with good vibrations immediately. You slowly started to get comfortable, scrounging around to find the remote for the TV.

In your head, you could hear Dean still cursing you for spending all his hard-earned cash on decorations and furniture for the bunker. In your defense, he shouldn't have left the money on the make-shift kitchen counter. You didn't exactly have a choice when it came to staying in a bunker with the boys since you were considered a...liability with your origins. They still didn't know what you were, but they did know that supernatural creatures loved you. In the sense that they wanted you dead and kept hunting you.

It wasn't all that bad; however, the boys and their cute angel were all lookers, pleasant, and cordial to you. Even letting you live with them was something you were grateful for, and in, return you kind of took care of them and researched when they were out and about.

Despite the horrors in your world, at least you had the safety of your little bunker and good company to help the days go past until they knew why you were so sought after.

So here you were, sitting on the couch and being surrounded with pillows and blankets, getting ready to marathon Harry Potter for the umpteenth time. That wasn't the reason you were vibrating in excitement. No, it was the fact that you convinced a cute angel to watch them all with you. You had the first movie put into the player, and you looked into the kitchen as Castiel soon emerged with a bucket of popcorn and some soda.

You doubted he'd be eating or drinking any of it. Still, it was something you insisted was necessary for a movie marathon. So he had offered to grab them while you got everything settled. He put them down on the side table as you hopped off the couch and looked at him with a smile that could've brightened the entire room.

"Alright, Cas, I need your held pulling out the bed." You said, grabbing some of the cushions and tossing them to the side, along with the pillows. Of course, you had gotten a couch with a pull-out bed for occasions like this. It was easier to have food and drinks scattered about when you had tons of space. Castiel looked at you, curious as to what you meant until he saw you tugging at the little loop that would help you pull out the mattress.

"You got a... pull-out bed?" He asked, going over and grazing his fingers against yours as he effortlessly pulled it out. Your heart fluttered a bit at the contact, but you steeled yourself and just smiled.

"Of course, what if we had guests. I'm certainly not going to forfeit my room for them. They can sleep on the couch...besides, it's fun for movie nights." Once it was out, you began organizing the blankets and pillows to make the most comfortable nest possible.

"Why would we have guests over?" Castiel asked in all seriousness, making you pause as you wracked through your brain.

"You know...what'm not sure why we would have guests over. If we do, they'll have a place to sleep." You concluded as you finished the nest and crawled into it. One of the fluffier blankets was wrapped around you as Castiel watched your movements with a particular interest. You made grabby hands at the drinks and food, and he picked them up and pulled over one of the end tables to be settled next to your side. He put everything on it as he sat on the mattress.

Unlike you, who was now curled and laying down on your stomach, he sat straight up, legs crossed as he stared at the screen.

"It wouldn't hurt if you got comfortable." You said as you poked at his thigh. He just glanced down at you before turning to the TV.

"I am comfortable." He commented as you fumbled with the remote, turning on the movie and watching the movie previews to things that had been out for years now.

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