Capitulo 33

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Lennox POV

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Lennox POV

My cell phone began to ring yet again. Beckham is nothing if not persistent. "What is it this time De Loughrey?" 

"Oh goodie. You picked up. I think we should have a little chat, don't you?" I heard the sound of Brynlee's  voice through the receiver.

It felt like my ears were burning the way anger suddenly coursed through my veins. Fuck what Brandt said. I'm getting on the first plane to New York to handle this bitch.

"Sweetie. I'm gonna say this once because you're obviously out your depth here. And I don't the bandwidth for false pleasantries. So I suggest you try Jesus not me. I'm not nearly as forgiving."

"That was cute. Anyways Lennox about you and Beckham—"

"I wasn't finished. But since you mentioned it. Keep my name and his out of your mouth. Or the next thing coming out of it will be your teeth. Mmkay? You have a blessed day now." I hung up the phone before chucking it across the room on to Beckham's bed.

I rubbed the sides of my temples trying to calm down. Maybe I'm overreacting. It could be the hormones. I feel that the only proportionate response to this situation is to book a flight to New York as soon as possible. I let out a huff of hot air. I can't even beat her ass and it's making me angry because she desperately needs to be punched in the throat, like yesterday.

Brynlee has gotten way too comfortable pulling whatever bullshit this was in her weird obsession with getting back together with Beckham. The fact that she wants Beckham back isn't nearly as bothersome as the fact that her stupid ass thinks she can play games with me. While Beckham and I's relationship is... Dysfunctional. However Brynlee is not aware of any of this. As far as she's concerned he's mine. Similarly to small children, I don't like sharing and I don't tolerate disrespect.

I told Alexa to play on Hold Up by Beyoncé, the song seeming befitting to this situation. Not that I love Beckham, but more so for the line where she says 'I don't want to lose my pride.. But I'm bout to fuck me up a bitch.' I sung along to the lyrics while digging through Beckham's closet for some luggage, the feeling strangely cathartic.

"Ugh... We're not going to Dave and Busters are we?" Brandt now stood inside of the room watching me pack some outfits into Beckham's black Gucci duffel bag.

"She called my phone... From Beckham's phone."

He sighed but didn't attempt to argue with me. "I'll go get packed. And I only fly first class Lennox so you better not have booked an Economy ticket."    

A small smile spread across my face. I was going to go with or without him but I'm glad that's he on-board. Luckily Jayce already had a duffel bag packed for this week since we were planning on staying at Beckham's apartment. Whatever she needs that isn't in there for whatever reason, I will simply buy once we land. I quickly finished packing everything that I thought that I needed, then got to work on making myself look more presentable.

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