Chapter 1

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(6 years later)

*Maddie's P.O.V.*

Harry and I are only three years apart. So since I am 13 now he is 16. It feels weird at times because I hate to admit it but I have a crush on Harry. We spent our whole entire lives together and I literally know every single thing there is to know about him. But I am pretty sure that he doesn't feel the same way.

"Hey Hazza,"

"Hey Madds," he said. Over the years we have developed different nick names for each other. Sometimes I call him Hazza and other times I call him Har. While he calls me Madds or just Maddie considering that my full name is Madison.

"What are you doing,"

"Just come up here it's pretty cool up here," he said motioning for me to climb aboard.

"Harry your sitting in a tree house that is probably going to fall down any minute. Do you not realize how old that thing is?"

"Come on Madds take a walk on the wild side for once don't worry about every single thing that could possibly go wrong. It's just us up here and no one else."

"Fine," I give in starting to climb up the rusty and falling apart ladder.

It wasn't long after I had climbed up that I finally decided to tell Harry of the horrible news I had been carrying around with me for a week. He was probably going to get mad at me that I didn't tell him sooner, but I didn't care. I had to get this off of my chest no matter what the consequences were.

"Harry, I need to tell you something really important, promise not to get to too mad at me,"

"Sure," he said no turning to face me.

Okay here goes nothing.

"Harry.... I'm moving into another house.... another town.... Far away from here," I spoke in a rushed tone.

Harry just sat there taking everything that I said in.

"But why.... Why are you leaving me," he said tears brimming in his eyes.

"I don't want to lose you either and I desperately tried to get my mother to change her mind but she wouldn't she said that the house carried to many bad memories and when she says that she means my father's death," I spoke gently at first, but I knew he could hear the shakiness in my voice. Even I could hear the shakiness in my own voice.

"Promise me that we will keep in touch and we will call each other every night, and it will be just like old times," I said hoping he would agree.

"I promise," he said in his British accent.

Geez I am going to miss him terribly. I am going to miss his curly locks of hair, the smell of him, his voice, his face; I am going to miss everything about him. This is going to be so hard for me just to give him up like that, but we will stay in touch he promised.

"Hey Madds, can I've been wanting to do this since last years when you were twelve." He said now looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, what is i-," before I could finish my sentence he planted his lips onto mine, and I felt a spark that I never felt before with anyone before. His lips were warm and soft and luscious. I only wished we could stay this way forever. He then pulled away, withdrawing from the kiss. Even though our lips weren't connected anymore, I could still for the warmness that his lips had left on mine. I then opened my eyes and he was now gazing into my eyes and I was gazing into his soft green eyes. I then broke the silence.

"I should probably get going my mom is already packed and ready to move," I said.

"I guess this is goodbye then," he said bringing tears to my eyes.

"NO.... it is not goodbye we will still talk and maybe I will visit when I turn 18, it will be just like old times. Just think of me as if I am going on vacation for a while and I promise I will come back as soon as I get the chance. I just want you to know that this is not the end to our tale this is not goodbye," I said full on crying now.

"I have to go now this isn't goodbye we will see each other soon....I hope," I climbed down the ladder and started to walk away. I turned and faced Harry in the tree house.

"For the record, Harry I have been wanting to kiss you to for a long time in fact," I said remembering our kiss my first kiss with Harry.

"I love you," I mumbled so that he wouldn't be able to hear me.

I then ran to the car and I just stared out the window as we drove. All I could think about was everything that I was leaving I was leaving home, school, friends, Anne, and most of all I was leaving Harry, who I promised that we would be best friends forever and that I would always be there for him. I felt like a piece of me was taken away from me that day and I would never get I back. Not until I had Harry as my best friend again, not until I Harry was in my arms. But I knew that would never happen again.

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