Chapter 12

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"I love you."

I did not plan to say that. It just came out from my mouth like it's the natural thing to say at this moment. My heart raced.

Does Mina feel the same? Does she love me too? Those scary questions lingered.

 I gulped while my eyes still glued on Mina's. She stares me back without uttering a single word. My knees weakened. Gone is the proud and confident Son Chaeyoung, I am now freaking out inside due to her agonizing silence.

"M-mina?" I became impatient and called her out. Though stuttered as  fear slowly enveloped my insides. And that fear skyrocketed when I saw tears slowly forming from her eyes. Mina is crying in front of me and I am too astonished to react. Is this a "No"? Did I just got rejected?

"W-why?" She asked as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand. "Why now? Why tell me just now? You should have just told me that night, Chaeng. Or at that restaurant. Or even after that kiss! All this time I thought that my love for you is unrequited. That I am just misinterpreting your actions towards me. That-"

I shut her words with another long passionate kiss. This time, she responded willingly. I wiped her tears myself after the kiss. 

"I'm sorry." I apologized once more.

But she shook her head on me. "No. No. It's okay. It doesn't matter now." She gave me a warm smile and I melted. 

"I love you too, Chaeng." 

My lips arched widely as she finally gave me a response. A great response, on top of that.


I invited Mina to our group lunch. We were almost at our usual table when Dahyun spotted us. Her right brow rose and gave me a knowing grin.

"Ohhh, I can see the butterflies and cherry blossoms blooming brightly from the back. Should I order a congratulatory drink? Strawberry milk, perhaps?" Dahyun asked when we arrived. 

I locked mine and Mina's fingers then lifted it up to showoff. I gave the two a grin. "We'll be honored." I replied to Dahyun's tease.

Dahyun snorted. "Psh. What a showoff." She gazed at Mina and smiled. "Congratulations." And winked.

"Yah!" I called out. But Dahyun and Tzuyu just chuckled at my reaction. I rolled my eyes at the two. Dahyun then stood and walked over beside Tzuyu to give us a space to sit.

"Congratulations to the both of you." Tzu said.

"Thank you." Mina shyly answered. 

"But you do know that dating Chae comes with a big consequence, right?" Tzu didn't fail to state the obvious. 

Mina nodded and looked around the cafeteria. "I'm well aware. And very much prepared." She replied firmly.

I proudly smiled. That's my girl!


I was whistling around as I went my way to the dining area. "Yah! That surprised me! What the hell Dad? What is this?" I yelled after my Dad just popped a party popper right on my face when I entered.

"Congratulations on finally having a new girlfriend Chae!" Dad replied ecstatically.

I made a face as I saw banners and a huge tarpaulin hanging at the center with me and Mina's selfie. The hell did he get that from? We just took it yesterday!

"The hell are you doing old man? Are you kidding me, right now?" I asked and crossed my arms on him.

He pouted, "What? This is your Mom's idea. And I like it, so we did it. We are just happy for you, my daughter."

I gave him a look. 

"Well, the poppers and the designs are my idea." He said, avoiding my gaze. But I did not speak so he added, "And the tarp, too."

I sighed. I really don't understand my father. He sometimes treat me as a kid, then sometimes a man, then a daughter, then a pal. He's freaking weird!

I smiled as he really looked so gloomy while holding his party hat. But it's a fact that I love this old man. Very much. He's the best Dad, and I couldn't be much luckier to have him as a father. I put up a face and asked, "Where's Mom, then?"

"Looking for me?" I heard my mom's voice from behind so I turned, "What's gotten in-" 

But my words were halted when my eyes laid on the person standing beside her. "Mina?" 

Mina just gave me a bit smile while her face was so flushed. Her eyes roamed around and were trying to avoid mine. 

What's wrong?

"Well, you and Mina can have your chat later Chae." Mom spoke. "When you're... properly dressed." 

And that was when it struck me. I was still on my boxers and a see-through tops! I remembered going into the kitchen myself earlier since I thought that all the maids are busy cleaning the pool. I forgot to freaking change!

My face heated in embarrassment and quickly dashed out from there without looking back. 

I reached my room in a flash and leaned towards the closed door. I wanted to curse so badly but I refrained. I need to freshen up quickly!


It's already been 10 minutes since I finished preparing myself.  But I am still here in my room, sitting on my bed while staring at the closed door from the distance.

I can't face Mina!

Not until I forget what happened earlier. Why did I even walked out looking like that? Mina and I are still dating for a week. And yet, she already saw me in an embarrassing state.

"Arrghhh!" I lied down and rolled over the bed. "What am I gonna do? Should I pretend that that didn't happened? Should I? Arrgghh, I sound so pathetic right now! Damn it!"

A sudden knock on the door startled me so much that I immediately sat back up. I fixed my disheveled hair first. "It's open." I answered. Did they send someone to pick me up? Am I really taking that long?

Of course, you idiot! I sighed. Even my mind was unusually conversing with me. 

I looked at the door as it's still closed. Didn't they heard me? Wait. No way. Did they send Mina? I gulped as it's a big possibility. My parents would likely send her here! 

I slowly hopped out of my bed and walked towards the door. My hand is on the knob and is ready to turn it open for her.  "Is that you Mi-"

"Young lady? Your guest is waiting."

I halted and closed my eyes firmly as my blood rushed towards my head in annoyance. My expectation went so high up and now it was left hanging there. All because of that crafty butler!

I gritted my teeth and swung the door wide open, ready to give Gilbert a smack on the head. But-

"Hi Chaeng. You seem to be taking so long so they sent me here to get you. Is everything alright?"

My clenched fist stopped midair as Mina's face greeted the door instead of that annoying butler. What the hell?

"Chaeng?" Mina called out again as my eyes was darted behind her, glaring at the grinning Gilbert. I shifted my gaze and saw her worried eyes. My heart melted and my thoughts about the event earlier vanished in thin air.

What was I wussing about? Mina was not even bothered about it, damn it!

I cleared my throat and gave her a smile. "Yes, Mina. I'm okay. Let's go downstairs?" I invited.

"Uh, c-can we stay here for a moment, Chaeng? In your r-room?" Mina asked with that flushed face she wore earlier.

She was not really bothered. Right?


Thank you for the support I received on "STRANGELY". I personally recommend "RHUM & REGRETS" too. One of my favorite among my works. Hoped you enjoy this Chap.

Love you gays 💖

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