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"You'd be surprised with how much damage you can cause with sound."

Name: Shannon O'Hara

CTU: Army Ranger Wing (ARW)

Call sign: Banshee

Nationality: Irish

Birthplace: Galway

Birthdate: 11th of December (32)

Relatives: Sean O'Hara (father), Mallory O'Hara (mother)

Role: attack/harass

L85A2 assault rifle
Remington 870 shotgun
P226 handgun
SMG-11 sub machine gun

Gear: breaching charge, frag grenade

Gadget: While simple, Shannon's sonic grenades, or "banshee cries", are very effective. To make them, she modified the standard flash bang technology, focusing on increasing the intensity of the concussion blast and removing the blinding flash.
I was impressed to see that they were just as effective as my candelas, despite working only on a basis of sound. - Siu Mei "Ying" Lin

Background: Born in Galway as the daughter of an Irish history professor and a British reporter, Shannon moved to Dublin when she was ten. In school, she distinguished herself through her physical ability and her aptitude for Physics, in particular the area related to sound waves and frequencies. As she grew up, she realized that she would rather help people actively than pursue an academic career. This prompted her to join the Irish army. There, she quickly stood out as one of the most efficient operators in her unit. Her superiors then encouraged her to apply for the ARW.
She was accepted, becoming one of the Army Ranger Wing's most valued members.

Psychological report: Shannon has a strong connection to her Irish ancestry. She was very happy to talk to me about all the legends and stories she had heard from her parents. She also admitted that the reason for her call sign was those very same legends.
She struck me as a kind, upbeat person. From what I've gathered of her former colleagues, she was almost like the heart of the unit.
She's very adaptable and works well under pressure, a good quality, seeing as her gadget is very well suited for causing chaos. While she prefers to play by the book, she has some flexibility in that area, probably from working with some of her more rebellious teammates.
However, I have also noticed that she is very modest and rarely takes credit for her achievements. In fact, I'd say her worst and most ruthless critic is herself. This doubt in her own abilities often leads to hesitation during missions. We'll have to work on her self-esteem. - Harishva Pandey, Director of Rainbow

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