Mirror world - short story

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The boy always had trouble with his parents and school, he didn't study, he was always yelling and never showed love to anyone. One day he had a fight with his parents and was upset, he ran out of the house and went to the train station. Once he was there, he took the train, he didn't know where he was going, but he knew he wouldn't come back. He arrived at a small village and went to a little store owned by a nice old lady, the boy asked the lady for some food but didn't have any money. "Why should I give out free food?" asked the lady. "You can always try to earn it!". "What do you want me to do?" the boy sighed. The lady asked him to do the dishes and pick berries. The boy nodded and started doing the dishes. Once he was done, the lady gave him a bowl of fresh soup and asked him if he wanted to stay awhile. The boy had no other place to stay so he took the offer. 

One day he went to the forest with a basket. He was filling it whit berries, he saw a butterfly, he thought of the moments with his mom when they searched for animals and bugs in the woods when he was 10. He slightly smiled. Then he looked back at the butterfly, he was flying through the trees until it suddenly disappeared. He was surprised and went looking for it, but he never found it. He arrived back at the store from the nice lady. But when he entered the store, the lady yelled "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?", the boy was startled. "Stupid kids..." mumbled the lady. the boy left the shop and didn't know what to do. "Why was she angry?", the boy sat down. "She was always so nice...". 

A girl walked by. the boy looked up and recognized her, she was his old classmate. He ran to the girl and said "Hi, it's been a while." The girl didn't recognize him and said "Uhmm... Do I know you?" The boy was confused. "Maybe I should just go back home." he thought. 

He took the train back home and arrived at the front door. He looked at the window and saw his dad on the couch. but then the mom came in with another boy. that boy looked very similar to him. But the boy was laughing and he was having fun. He never had fun with his family. 

"What is happening?" He thought of a good explanation but didn't find any. "Why were they happy?"The boy left again and went back to the forest. Then it hit him. It was his fault, he was always angry and he made his parents upset. He wanted to apologize and went back home. 

On the way, he saw the old lady again. "Here you are!" yelled the lady "I've been looking everywhere for you!" The boy felt relieved "maybe it was all a dream or something." He laughed. Whether it was a dream or not, the boy did learn a lot about it. He cheerfully thanked the nice lady and gave her the berries. "I'm going back home now." 

He arrived back home and his parents were waiting in front of the door. "William!!" they yelled. They hugged him and went inside. William told them everything and said he was sorry. "I'm going to work myself, I'll work for school, I'll help you with chores and-", His mom interrupted him "As long as you're happy, I am happy."

End of the story, for now, I'll expand later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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