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okay so just a heads up, this is a cardverse au, but you don't necessarily need to know everything about it to understand the premise of the story. i have tweaked a few details for plot anyway. i'll be listing what you do need to know:

1. Queen - In charge of the Navy, check and balance for the King's decisions, and can be either gender. Like the king, they carry around a special item/weapon. The Queen can rule the kingdom without a King. The Queen is usually from aristocracy and one family line.

2. Ace - Commander of the kingdom's army and personal guard to the King. Changes every time a new King, Queen, and Jack are chosen. The Aces are also the ones that go out into the towns of the kingdoms and talk with the citizens.

3. Spades - The kingdom with the highest number of universities and colleges. This kingdom has a variety of public and private schools. Second largest kingdom. The Spades kingdom is also known for their excellent military.

4. Diamonds - The richest kingdom, also known for many fine clothing and fabrics. They're the third largest kingdom, with islands off the coast of West Coast of their land.

5. Clubs - The kingdom furthest North. They have the most land out of the four kingdoms. They're known for their luck and have many famous businessmen come from their kingdom. The Clubs kingdom is very rural, with few cities and more towns/villages.

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