Chapter 8

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"Wake up (Y/n)! It's time for you to wake up!"
"Errrr" I groaned. Why is this happening to me again, " Mhmm, I'm up, I'm up"  I said.

"Well (Y/n) it's time for you to go out, I don't want you to stay at home all day now do I." mother chased me out.
"But-" I tried to speak
"No buts." mother interrupted me. As I got toss out of home I thought: But I'm still in my nightwear. Well, it's fine not like it matters anyway, as I took a stroll around town, I see the streets bustling with people. There is a lot of trade going on here which is good for us, which means I stumble on the main street while I was taking a walk.

Looking around I see that most of the things my village trades are things made up of metal and wood like spoons weapons, common stuff. I suppose this village is full of people who love to create things. That's means I can start making bigger things, seeing a person I pranked before I quickly hid behind the boxes.

I just know that person hates me, I mean it's not like I go out of my way to target him it's just that he's there at the wrong place at the wrong time. like with my first water gun and throwing many banana peels, ok the floor or sneakily switching people's belongings and to watch the chaos ensue. It's just that I was bored.

Looking around and seeing that the coast was clear I headed towards my next destination. The smithy. Walking in I see Oliver making something.
'weird' I thought.' He does not have lessons today'

"Hey, Oliver what are you making?" I asked
"(Y/n)! What are you doing here?" he asked
"Oh, I just wanted to see what's going on, where's Emma?"
"Emma is in another village so it's only me."
"I see. So back to the question, what are you doing here?"
"O-Oh that. I'm here to practice my skills, you should too if you don't want to get rusty."
"Ok, I'll do that later. Well, I'm going now, bye."
"Bye!" Oliver replied.

'Hmmm everyone is very suspicious today' I thought. 'Is today a special day that I forgot?
Nevermind that I'm going to see if the others have been doing anything.' Making my way toward the other village as usual I see that Jeanne is not in the fields, that's weird I thought she had chores. Maybe she's already done it, walking to the nearby forest field. I was surprised to see a field of flowers behind the thick trees, amazing I thought. There were all types of flowers and petals were drifting everywhere, how did I not find this earlier I thought.
I see golden hair flowing in the fields, must be Jeanne. Running behind her I said "You found this place and did not tell me, Jeanne. I'm hurt." I said in a pessimistic tone.
"(Y/n)! What are you doing here," she said in a surprised tone.
"I was searching for you and didn't see you so I went into the forest and to my surprise, I see that your there. How could you not tell me about such an amazing place! I'm jealous." I replied.
"O-oh, I just founded this place (Y/n). I never knew there was such a beautiful place nearby until now." Jeanne said
"So what are you doing here? I see you picking up flowers, what's that for.?" I asked.
"That? I wanted to decorate my home a bit, I felt there were not enough flowers."Jeanne replied.
"Well, then would you like me to help?"
"Yes, please." she smiled.

Hmmm, why was she so excited when I said that, I thought. Nevermind that, I look across the flower field. The flowers stretch as far as the eye can see, and all types of flowers are here. So I started to pick up the flowers that I thought suited her needs and ones that caught my eye. Once finished I handed them to Jeanne
"Thank you (Y/n)! I'll be sure to use them." Jeanne smiled.
"Its give of you don't, the flowers might to even fit for the things you want to make with them," I said
"I think it will fit just fine (Y/n)," Jeanne said
"If you say so" I shrugged.

Well, where are the other brothers, I didn't see them for the entire day? They would usually be doing their chores right now. I thought as I walked away from the field with Jeanne.
"Hey Jeanne, do you know where your brothers are?" I asked
"No. Why do you ask?" she replied.
"It's nothing, I'm just curious, cause I have not seen them all day," I said.
"Well I don't know if I'm correct, but I heard from dad that they were at your village's smithy."
"I see, well I'm going to get going now, good-bye Jeanne I hope you have a great day," I said as I left her.

At the village huh, weird I did not see them there in the morning. looking up to the sky I can see the sun setting, the golden sunshine in the distance shining right to my face.
And it blinded me as I slam my face at a tree.
"What kind of comedic timing is that!" I shouted at the sun.
"I swear I'm going to burn you to crisps!" I shouted in anger. 'Wait a minute. What did I just say?' I blushed in embarrassment, "I hope no one heard that." I whispered to myself.
Ignoring what just said, I continued to run back home. By the time I reach home, it was already going to be night.

Looking at the windows I see that there was no light inside of it, 'Did someone forget to light the lamp' I thought. Walking to the front door, I opened it.
"Surprise!!!" many people shouted.
"Ah!" I shouted, "everyone's here!" I pointed at them.
I see that my mother giggled, " well of course everyone is here (Y/n), today's your birthday. It's your special day!" mother said.
"But I thought we don't do that," I replied.
"Well, this year, seeing that we can afford to do such a thing, me and your father decided to do it." I laughed. I smiled, who would have known that a medieval low-class family would have done this. Well, maybe not a low class but still!
I see Jeanne walking towards me.
"Here!" she placed a crown of flowers on my head, some more it was the one that I have picked up! I smiled some more. Maybe I don't want to go out and explore, maybe I want to stay here for the rest of my days until I grow old. I don't even have to worry about the war, Jeanne can take care of that.
I suppose I should start with the save Jeanne plan when it's going to be the end of her journey.
"Take this too!" Jeanne put a flower bracelet on my wrist.
"I'll be sure to take care of it," I said.
"Hey! If you're going to give him presents when he just arrived I want to do it too!" a voice came from behind. I look over and see Jules and his brothers running over here with a sword in Jules's hand.
"All of us here are going to fight one day why not
Start early!" Jules beamed."We too have our own!"
Inspecting the sword I see that there are engravings on the handle. It says 'We are going to be heroes!'. What childishness, I laugh even more.
"Hey, why are you laughing!" asked Jules.
"It's nothing!" I said.
"I have you know that I made it!"Jules said proudly.
"He all made it." a voice from behind said.
It's Emma!
"I thought you were in another village?" I asked
"It was a lie. Those two asked me for help, so I did. This was the best one those two made out of the countless attempts." Emma said.
"Well, it's my turn now, here have this" Oliver passed me a knife.
"I heard that you use this a lot when you cool with your mother, so I made a brand new one."
"Thanks, guys!" I said
"Well, what are we waiting for! Let's get the celebration going on."Jules shouted.

"You sure do have some energetic kids, huh!" father laugh.
"Don't say that, they are very hard to deal with" Jeanne's father said.
"Don't be like that Ceil! I think they are just fine."Jeanne's mother said
"They are just kids let them have fun." mother said.
And so the party went on through the night.
Well, what do you think of this chapter it should be better right? I took the advice flubby18 advice, well that's all I have to say if there is anything I could do better do tell me.

(Shorts) (Random ideas I thought)

Here we see (Y/n), the d'arc siblings, and a burning forest.

"(Y/n)" Jeanne said.
"Yes?" I replied
"Why is the forest on fire?"Jeanne asked
"I don't know Jeanne," I replied
"How could you not know!" Jules shouted
"You were just in it (Y/n)" Oliver said
"I just took a walk in the forest," I stated
"How does just taking a walk make the forest burn," Harvey said.
"A VERY enthusiastic walk" I restated.
"Haaa!" Jeanne sighed

(number two)
Scene Chaldea
(Y/n), Gudako.

"(Y/n), what's your wish?"Gudako asked.
"My wish is to make the sun burn!" I said
"But it is burning!"Gudako said
"Your welcome." I said

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