Take A Break

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"Ed, can you help me take the Christmas tree up to the attic?" I sighed wiping sweat off my forehead "I'll do it later." He mumbled turning the tv up louder. "Ed please?" I said getting angry "Can't you see I'm busy?!" He shouted "That's it! I'm done with you!" I screamed back slipping my converse on. "No baby, don't go." He whimpered jumping up off the couch "Just leave me alone." I said letting my tears fall and ran out the door.

"(Y/N)! Come back!" You heard Ed shout behind me. I ignored him and ran to the park. "(Y/N) is that you?" A famiiar voice called behind me. "Niall, I love you but please, I just want to be alone." I croaked out between sobs "Hun, what's wrong?" He asked softly embracing me in his arms. "Ed, he won't help do anything in the house. Yeah I know he works all day but he can't help me do one simple thing?" I sobbed violently into his chest "Shhh sweetie.How about I take you home and I'll talk to Ed." He suggested as we started our journey back to my place.

"Niall, I can't do it." I said burring my head into his chest "I probably ruined everything." I whimpered out "Niall. Get your hands off my girlfriend." I heard Ed growl slinging the door open "Woah, mate calm down."Niall said pulling away from me "Thanks Niall for everything."I weakly smiled kissing his cheek. "Its no problem."He said as he started to walk off. "What did he do to you?" Ed asked sternly as I walked through the door. "He fucked me and got me pregnant, what do you think he did?" I spat running up the stair. "I'm sorry for everything. I am just having a rough time and I'm stressed out..." He rambled on as he ran into our room. "I over re-acted" I mumble choking back sobs "Just let it out."He soothed pulling me tightly to his chest as I cried.

"I love you." Ed whispered into my ear as he lightly kissed the back of my neck. "I love you too." I smiled before falling into a peaceful slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2012 ⏰

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