Jail Break

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    "Easy." I said under my breath. I crossed my legs under the desk and lifted a finger, to which a man in all black quickly scampered over to me and took my paper. Leaning back in my padded chair I starred at the wall in boredom, my eyes tracing over the several TVs and display boards around the room.

     Glancing around the class, I hastily slipped a small pad of sticky notes out of the pocket of my cerulean knee length shorts. Pulling off a sheet of paper I grabbed a pen and wrote a messy note:

     "I'm so bored, you wanna play games?"

     Carefully I pressed the yellow page to my index finger and pushed my hand backwards underneath the desk, where the boy behind me immeadity snatched it. I kept my hand prepped in wait when I felt a crumbled ball of paper be shoved into my palm.

     Pulling back my hand I looked at the amalgamation of paper that the kid behind me had created. Unfolding it I still saw the creased lines of my nicely folded note.

    "You should really sign your notes so I know who they're from -Mason"    

    I was in the process of writing back a snarky reply when the man in all black returned. He handed me my test with a large 97% written on it. I gave an approving nod to the man and he walked off. I've had this man as my school servant my entire life and I still didn't know his name.

    Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I faced Mason who had leaned out of his chair. His dirty blonde hair had been gelled slightly into a singular peak in the front by his mother, but he had ran his hands through it until it was messy and stood in upwards points across his head.

     Giving him an eyebrow raise of confusion I pushed him backwards away from me. He gave me a mischievous look and mouthed, "Watch this."

    "What the fuck?" I mouthed back.

    "Just wait." He grinned before counting down on his finger. When it reached one the room suddenly erupted in noise.

     I looked at him in awestruck surprise before noticing that my pocket was a source of the noise. Pulling out my phone I saw that it was violently ringing with the caller being named "Haha."

     Glancing around the room I saw I wasn't alone, everyone else in the class had also pulled out their ringing phones. Servants ran to and fro tripping over each other to get to their masters. It was utter chaos.

     "You did this?" I asked, a hint of pride in my voice.

     "Bought a phone and jail broke it to call several people at once, pretty neat huh?" Mason explained, his Australian accent thick.

     "You're insane. Why?" I laughed, allowing my phone to ring to add to the chaos.

    "So we could get out! C'mon!" He yelled, grabbing my bicep and yanking me out of my seat. Without thinking, I joined him. Slinging my backpack on I dashed after Mason, sliding past desks and kids.

    The teacher didn't seem to have caught on to our escape plan yet so I tripped a running servant to create a distraction. The unlucky women in black crashed to the ground and I leaped over her. Running out the door I followed Mason and slammed through the push doors. Finally, we were outside.

    "So why the fuck did you that?" I smiled, completely out of breath.

    "We were gonna have to sit there for two more hours, didn't want to." He answered, his pace slowing to a speed walk.

    "Did you get the others out?" I walked up next to him.

     "Cooper, Fitz, John, and Schlatt are out. The others either had extra security or wanted to stay."

    "I wanted to stay! That test was important!"

    "You know you're happy I got you out."

    "Yeah I guess I am." I chuckled, punching Mason lightly in the arm, "So what are we doing?"

    "It's a surprise!"

    "Meaning that everyone knows but me?"


     "Fuck you."


      Mason and I approached the boys. They sat leaning against a cinder-block half wall. John was standing with his head facing the sun, sunglasses sitting on his nose. Fitz sat half on-half off the wall staring at his phone. Cooper rested on the floor with a bucket hat pulled over his eyes. Schlatt gave us a curt nod as we neared.

    "Mr. John Kryoz, Mr. Cameron Fitz, Mr. Cooper Cscoop, and Mr. Johnathan Schlatt." I grinned, giving a quick fist bump to John.

    "Don't call me Johnathan." Schlatt responded coolly, taking off his hat to run a hand through his hair.

   "Yeah yeah it's your father's name. Forgot." I rolled my eyes and pulled Schlatt's hat over his eyes.

   "Only good thing about my pop his gun business, lets me have this." He then reached into the inside pocket of his blue jacket and pulled out a glock, cocked it, and grinned.

   "The fuck?" Fitz yelled, jumping back in surprise, "How do you even sneak that in?"

  "Rich." Cooper said calmly, hat still covering his face.

  "Amazing. Anyways, what's the plan?" I took over the conversation, pushing Schlatt's gun against his chest.

   "We're going to break into the office!" John looped his arm around Mason.

   "We're going to fucking what?" I gasped.


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