A Bewitching Flower That Steals Hearts: Tellu, the Third Witch

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After the fight we saw Sailor Moon fall to the ground very tired.

- Ah- I said

- I do not believe, she eliminated her own companion. - said Pluto.

- This is cruel. - I said

- This is getting serious. - said Neptune.

- Let's go. We have to be the Messiah of Silence. - said Uranus.

As we left, we heard Sailor Moon.

- Stop it. Don't hurt Hotaru. - she said.

- Hotaru is a good girl. - said Chibiusa.

- Wait, there must be a way. -said Mercury.

- There has to be another way. - said Venus.

- We have no other choice. - I said.

- If we do not eliminate it, this war will never end. - said Uranus.

- Yes, but if we think together we find a solution. - said Mars.

- It's too early to give up. - said Jupiter.

- Listen, Uranus and Sun. - said Tuxedo Mask.

- TK please hear us out. - said Sailor Moon.

- Shut up, we unfortunately cannot be optimistic. - I said.

- Let's end the Messiah of Silence and Sailor Saturn. We follow different paths. - said Uranus.

- No! Hotaru is very much my friend, I trust her a lot. It is not her fault, I will protect her. - said Chibiusa.

We turn around and leave.

Time Skip:

Setsuna and I were posing as a florist when we heard that they were promoting a plant that we never heard of Tellu.

- Tellu? Have you heard of her? - I asked.

- No, I never heard of her. - she said.

We decided to go in and buy one, for Setsuna to be able to study.

Time Skip:

After we discovered that this plant is the enemy's work, we went to Usagi's house. She was in the garden with two cats and Chibiusa who had a pot and a plant.

- Setsuna, TK. - said Usagi.

- This plant ...- I said.

- Small Lady! - said Setsuna.

Setsuna let go of my arm, ran and slammed Chibiusa's hand causing the vase to fall and break on the floor.

- What did you do, Setsuna? - asked Usagi.

- Sorry, but it had to be, it was for your good. - I said.

- Look what you did, you ruined the gift Hotaru gave me. - complained Chibiusa.

- That means they are after the Small Lady's pure heart. - I said.

We look at the already dead plant.

- The damage it does is small. But when it starts to bloom it steals a pure heart, if all the plants bloom at the same time. - said Setsuna.

- It's a new trap. - said the cat Luna.

- We have to destroy the origin. - I said.

- I'll take care of it, I'll prove that Hotaru has nothing to do with these problems. - said Chibiusa.

Time Skip:

As for the flower shop, we decided to enter through the back and transform ourselves.

As we suspect, this is the enemy's work. The woman named Tellu was collecting the pure hearts of the store's customers.

As soon as we realized she started attacking us starting with Chibiusa.

- Sugar Heart Attack. - attacks Sailor Chibi Moon.

Tellu manages to counter the attack with his roots.
She attacks a second time.

- Small Lady! - said Pluto.

Seeing that Pluto and Small Lady were going to take Tellu's attack with me immediately

- Pluto! - I said.

I managed to put myself between the attack and them taking me all the blow, eventually losing my senses and falling to the ground almost on top of them.

Skip Time:

When I regained consciousness, I saw that I had Small Lady and Pluto calling me.

- Sun! Sun! Please wake up. - said Pluto.

- You are fine? - asked Small Lady.

- Small Lady, Pluto? - I said.

- Sorry, I was the one to blame you for hurting yourself, but I still believe in Hotaru because she is my friend, she is very much my friend, consider believing in our friendship. - said Small Lady.

- Small Lady - said Pluto.

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