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daniel looked up when christina climbed the steps to his office. not that daniel was getting much work done anyhow, but the intrusion grated on his raw nerves. daniel needed alone time, needed to think. it had been almost a week since he'd moved in with corbyn, having agreed to continue on, and even though things were going swimmingly, daniel sometimes had trouble breathing.

the intimacy of sharing space with him was both jarring and comforting. they went from understanding each other as friends to knowing the tiny details only lovers could obtain.

corbyn liked to sleep in the nude on his stomach but, by morning, he was curled along daniel back with a possessive arm around him. he hated the sound of teeth brushing and eggs cracking, but loved the click of daniel's shoes on the hardwood floor of his living room and the rustle of clothing when daniel undressed. he listened to soulful jazz when trying to unwind, country when he was happy, and cranked angry rock when attempting to drown out his day.

after the brunet man arrived home from work, the first thing he did was seek daniel out, a smile tugging at his lips. daniel made dinner, corbyn cleaned up, and they showered together afterward. it was routine, just like daniel preferred, except for their love-making. there he always found new ways to pleasure daniel, only seeking his own after daniel was spent. corbyn touched, and daniel let him. daniel didn't know if it was because it was him or if daniel'd been wrong in his needs all along.

christina sighed and slumped onto the chair in front of daniel's desk. "two things. first, this jack guy is driving me batshit."

jack was corbyn's bodyguard and, as of a few days ago, had been pushed onto daniel, regardless of his objection. glued to his being, he drove daniel to and from work and wherever else the blonde went, such as the coffee shop for lunch. daniel had no idea why. corbyn wouldn't tell him, just said it was necessary. the dread pitting daniel stomach eased when he realized Corbyn was probably just taking precautions because of his mysterious past. another thing corbyn refused to talk about.

they've killed people, daniel.

daniel shuddered at the reminder, still not knowing what he'd meant.

"i can't do anything about jack." he was daniel's shadow until corbyn said otherwise. daniel hated to admit it, but having jack around brought a sense of security. he still hadn't shaken the crazy feeling he was being watched. which was probably corbyn's paranoia rubbing off.

"he just stands in the corner, watching. it's creepy."

daniel grinned. "at least he's good looking." he glanced at jack through the glass wall and down on the show floor. built like a wrestler, his brunet kinda blonde hair was cut short and he had a wide jaw. dark lashes complimented his hazel eyes. he always wore a suit, not a wrinkle to be found.

"word. except i have no idea if he's plotting a world takeover or stripping me naked. his expression never changes."

daniel laughed. "perhaps both. what's the other thing? you said you had two reasons for coming in."

christina wrinkled daniel nose. "eben franckewitz is here to see you."

daniel barely resisted a shiver. daniel'd been hoping the would-be photographer had gone back to the lower forty-eight and not taken daniel suggestion to come back. "send him in." when christina got up to leave, daniel added, "and sit in on this meeting, would you?"

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