Loki's regrets and confessions

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Had to write this again! Wattpad deleted it the first time :(

loki's Pov

(One year after Thor 2)

It's almost been a year since i started impersonating my father. I know what your thinking but no Odin is not dead nor is he imprisioned, just sleeping. I hooe in his sleep he see's the truth of what i did in New York and how much i regret almost destroying Jotinheim.(Did i spell that right?) I realize now how selfish i was when i went after my birth planet, i was so stupid then. And New York..... My best deception yet. New York was seen differently to the Avengers and the other planets than what i had actually done. I needed the tesseract to get home, the people killed are regreted, i didn't want that. I needed to bring a team together to fight the chittarie (this really isnt my day for spelling or names sry), my brother and the Avengers were the only way. I tried to hint what my true intensions were without it seeming i was betraying Thanos. I had to make that deal to get home, i had to attack New York or they would have found another way to destroy or enslave earth and take the tesseract back. I had to make that team the strongest they could be without them knowing i was doing it. My punishment was the price for my deception and lies. I do not blame Odin nor do i blame Thor and i should have done more to provent my mother.... Frigga from dying. I have been properly punished for the things i have done.

Suddenly a voice pulls me from my thoughts. I open my eyes to see Lady Sif kneeling before me. "Alfather, myself and the warriors 3 ask your permission to journey to earth and vist Thor, do we have your blessing?" Sif looks to the floor. I see now how a king must act to gain the respect and loyalty of him people, i am not a crualnas before.  "You have my blessing to visit Thor, i bid you farewell." With a bow Sif scurrys out of the throne room. One again i'm left to my thoughts, my regrets and my failures. I miss my brother even after everything that has happened, i always hope for his happiness with that midgardian women..... Jane? I must see him, even just from far away, but before that i must face my father and tell him the truth. Believe it or not, even being the god of Mischief and lies, i do tell the truth when it needs to be told. I stand and make my way out of the throne room and towards my old bedroom. I pass many servents and soldiers on the way there, all in which bowed at my presence. Reaching the room i look around the make sure nobody is watching before entering the room. Odin sleeps on the bed. The odins sleep. As they say he can listen and see all while he is in the sleep. I hope he has heard my many confessions to him while he has slept. Now it is time for his to awaken and judge me once again, even if it means going back to that small cell in the dungeons. I sit next to the bed releasing the small sleep spell i had cast to keep him asleep while i finished explaining everything to him. After a few minutes Odins eye slowly opened and locked onto mine. "Loki.." His voice was dry and raspy. "Before anything else, i'm sorry for the things i have done to this family." I bowed my head to him. "Loki, my son i too am sorry for not trying to understand your actions before judging you, you are cleared of all past insedences if.." He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Only if you if you face the midgardians and explain to your brother what your true intentions were." I sighed releaved "I understand, it will be done." He then got up off the bed and put his armor on. "Loki you have done well ruling this kingdom." With that he takes his staff and leaves the room. 'Well might aswell show this world i'm not dead before doing so in midgard' I think while walking down the corridors in my normal form. Shocked looks came from many servants and soldiers but none did anything to block my way back to the thrown room.

Entering the thrown room, i see Sif and the warriors 3 talking to my father. 'Great this will be interesting' i think sneaking up behing to listen to thier conversation. "I trust you all to bring Loki to his brother, if a fight between the two does erupt do not hesitate to inform Himedel....i will stop any outbreaks between the two." He sighs and waits for a response from one of the 4 warriors. Of course Sif is the first to protest. "Alfather, i do not understand,  Loki is dead and even if he was alive he is a criminal....he attempted to conqour earth." Before more could be said i decided to interupt. "It was a fake attempt, Sif, a lie....it's what i do best...... Lying......yes Jotinheim was indeed my fault and mine alone,  i realize my mistakes and that my punishments were just." By the end of my interuption Sif and the others looked... Ugh what do midgardians call it?... Freaked? They had all spun around and had their mouths wide open. "I would very must like to talk to my brother and set things right on earth." Bowing to my father, Sif takes the tesseract as transport. Sif takes hold of the front of my armor bringing me down to her level. "You better not mess up Loki or i will kill you." With that we appear in stark tower..... Infront of the Avengers..... Infront of Thor, and well Jane aswell.... Odin help me. Nobody moved, nobody said a word. I could feel all eyes on me. "L-Lo-Loki?" I couldn't tell if Thor was angry or surprised. He slowly stepped towards me before wrapping me in a huge hug. "My brother.. It puts me at rest knowing your not dead." His hug got a little tighter. "I'm sorry Thor, I came to explain my actions in New York and when i faked my death." He pulls out of the hug and looks into my eyes, the one thing i really hated.... Eye contact. Suddenly a hand spins me around. Natasha of course. "Ok Loki we ask the questions and you answer honestly, got it?" I nod and sit down. I could tell many of them were still very mad at me. "Ok Loki, why did you come through the tesseract portal in the first place?" Natasha asked crossing her arms. "Thanos saved me and gave me knowledge, i knew making a deal with him was the only way to get home."

"What deal was that Loki?" Stark asked after downing his whole drink. "I conquer earth, give him the tesseract and i get the earth in return, i just needed people to fight against."

Steve furrowed his brows "What do you mean?" He asked agressivly "Your team, your teamwork, i had to do bad things to make sure your team was strong enough."

Jane left Thors side and sat beside me "So you did those things to protect earth, why didn't you tell us?" Everyone looked at each other before looking back to me. "I did many times, of course i couldn't tell you directly since i was constantly being watched by Thanos, so i dropped hints." I sighed and looked at everyone "I'm especually sorry for the lives that were lost, that is my biggest regret." I stood and went to the window. A hand was place on my shoulder. "Loki although you do have much trust to gain back, would you like to stay and help the Avengers?" Thor asked lowly "Very well as payment for my crimes i will join your power puff crew." Thor let out one of his signature throaty laughs. "That is the cocky brother i remember, now Stark pour this man a drink." Stark rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Man or reindeer?" Everyone chuckled. " Although my helmet may look like a reindeer i can asure you nothing about me looks so otherwise." I held up my helmet in my hands "By the way doesn't it look more like a mountain goat or ram than a reindeer?" Again everyone laughed but his time at Starks expense.

My first day as an Avenger.... How interesting.

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