oh lord

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*beep! Beep! Beep! *

"Ughhh!! Fucking shut up! " I groaned

Sighing I got up from my bed and went to the washroom. After going downstairs I found my breakfast already ready.

Living alone is so peaceful I only have a maid and a cook. After finishing my breakfast I was off to my office.

As I reached my company everybody started wishing me morning and looked scared and that made me smirk.

Severs them right!

Soon I started working on my pending files that no longer my irritating PA decided to disturbe me. She really tests my patience.

I am just tolerating her till I find a new one who is not a bitch like her



"Sir you have a meeting with MR. PRAKASH at 2 in the afternoon. " She said battling her fake eyelashes.

"I remember. Anything else? " I asked rudely.

"Sir if u want anything u can call me anytime. " She suggested seductively.

"OUT" I roared.

She ran away like a scared cat. GOOD! She should be scared.

As time passed

Suddenly door was slammed *THUD*
Making me roll my eyes as I already know who has the guts to do so

My one and only childhood best friend Samar Ahuja.

"Heyyyy!!! Dduuddeee" He spoke in a shrill girly voice making me cringe

"What do you want? " I asked uninterested

"Aww.... Don't you miss me" He said wiping his fake tears.

"Come to the point or get out! " I snapped.

" Chill MR. Grumpy Ass. I came  to ask about the job interviews that we are supposed to conduct in some Institute. "He asked making me roll my eyes

" You could have easily called me! " I said boringly

"Aww... Honeyyy..... Then where would have been fun in that " He said in an extremely sugar-coated voice.

I wonder how is he even a CEO.

"As you know I am very busy so I don't have time for all this nonsense. You do whatever you want. " I said Dismissingly

"Stope being an ass man it really is important atleast think about those poor students and WHO knows you might find a perfect chick for yourself" He said wiggling is eye brows.

" Shut up! I will think about it. " I replied

"Ya! Ya! So after three days we are conducting the interview that's final! " He declared

"When you had to do as per your wish why did you even come in first place " I asked with a blank face

"Nobody loves me! My ond and only best friend hates me! Oh Lord help me! How am I gonna live without him" And here comes the best drama king.

I kept staring at him and he continued to fake sniffle.

"My love my best friend hates me god I am coming to you! See you God! See you!"dramatic personality

" When you leave please close the door"I ordered him making him gasp and run out like a little girl.

I chuckled at his anticts.


Stupid interview! *sighs*

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