Just The Start Or Is It

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"You don't know me but hear me out. I'm Kyuki Akake. And I have called you all here today because the planet Perillion is in great danger." He looked at everyone while saying that

"And why should we trust you? Huh, For all we know you could be a spy working for Zero and the darkstars" Karma said.

Rex walks in and bows. "Hello I am Rex Qummass the son of-" He gets cut off by Keket "ZERO QUMMASS?!?!".

"Um yes the son of Zero Qummass. As I was saying Kyuki here is not a spy, he works for me." Kyuki sat down.

"So we called you three here today to ask if you can help us against Zero and the darkstars.

Karma rolls his eyes "Great more royalty, just what we need." Rex glares at Karma and sighs.

"Karma I hate my father more than any of you. So please just help me and Kyuki. Once you help us we will never bother you ag-" Kyuki covers his mouth "Rex be quiet and let me speak" Kyuki snapped. "Ok ok fine"

"As I was saying we got you here to ask for your help. But we didn't just pick you randomly" Points to Rei. "He's the best swordsman and he is a silent killer; he is also the holder of the mind control stone. This is Keket Embermane, the best of the best out of all the Embermane's and the best teleport master in the whole world. And for you Karma Storm-Pacer you are the strongest out of all of us, you can summon 13 hell hounds and have full control. So please us take them down"

"Wow you think we all believe you? Rex you haven't even proven that you can be trusted. For all I know you could be trying to capture us" Karma said looking directly at Qumm

"I don't work with my father, trust me. I don't want that planet under his control. I want that planet to be under the control of someone who won't keep slaves and who won't murder others"

Rei nods his head and sits on on a chair

"So what's his name?" Keket points to Rei "We don't even know it"

"Oh him thats Rei Storm-Claw if you two join you will have a powerful ally." Kyuki said hoping they will join

Rei nods his head

"Oi talk for us Rei" Karma commanded

Rei shakes his head and keeps his mouth shut

"He will only talk if he has to or if it is really needed" Rex busted into the conversation

Karma rolls his eyes "Ok fine then"

(This is the first out of a very longggggggggggggggggg part so come back next time  

The Quest To Save The Planet Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now