Chapter 1: The Cardinal Spear

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And as the world was saved.... The noble hero rode off into the sunset on his gigantic dragon that went by the name of Izalith. With his harem of women at his side, the hero had conquered the darkness.



Wow, that book was shit. I mean it was a decent power fantasy and all but dear god was he edgy. I mean REALLY edgy, like, how can this guy get so many women when he's not even smart enough to realize- I felt a thud as I accidentally walked into the back of a very burly man. The kind that could rip me apart even if I was as overpowered as that edgy main hero.

"Watch where you're going, man."

"Right! Sorry." As he walked off I looked to the closed book in my hands... god I need to read some actual literature and not just self insert harem stuff. I sighed as I stuffed the book back into my pocket. I brought my eyes up towards where they were meant to be, in front of me, and not where I wanted to look, well originally wanted to look. God that book sucked.

I was walking down the fairly crowded streets I had lived in my whole life, no I didn't live on the streets but I was definitely a city kid. Other than that there really isn't anything special about me. I had hair, a face, a tall build and I was just shy of being a stick in width. So yeah a normal person trying to go to college... college.... Oh, right, my book report. You know, the thing I was actually meant to be doing instead of just walking aimlessly with a book in my hands.

I mean the report's simple enough, write a 1-page long essay about story elements you liked that involved the book you read. But I can't write a fucking book report about this weeb trash, my secret identity would be ruined. I would no longer be known as "That guy who exists" I would instead be known as "That weeb trash over there who is weirdly fond of certain kinds of girls that I dare not mention in public". And even though it's true I would rather keep that to myself thank you very much. But now's not the time for thinking about the report, now's the time to think about the book especially since I see the library is only a couple blocks away.

But what would I even write about? Maybe some teen romance novel that doesn't involve a girl having to choose which boyfriend she likes most? Nah that's too close to home, my harem protagonist mindset, which I don't have but might just develop if I keep reading these things, might just kick in unintentionally and I'll end up debating which girl from which book I would like to date instead of actually doing the report. Maybe something really old? Like a poem or something historic, that'll be chock full of useless metaphors about life in the 1940s or something. Nah, those are way too boring, and while it would be an easy report it would be horrifically painful towards my psyche. Well, I'm here so I better choose quick.

As I stepped into the library a sense of warmth filled my heart. The new book smell, which somehow feels old, entered my nostrils as I gazed towards the endless shelves of books that had existed centuries before I was even a thought in someone's head. It gave me a sense of nostalgia as I slowly took off the heavy jacket I had worn to escape the freezing cold outside, and entered further into the warmth of the endless shelves. Libraries and bookstores had always given me some sort of home-like feeling whenever I entered them, it was always so calm compared to the outside world, and that was something I could relish in. As my eyes gazed upon the shelves I looked towards the fiction section, you know what, maybe I'll just do my report over something super fantasy-like.

I slowly entered the shelves as I browsed for something other than "Mr. Nobody suddenly becomes Mr. Perfect and everyone loves him and his 10-foot dick that can please anyone and anything". I know it sounds like I hate those books but everyone can enjoy that kind of thing sometimes, I know I have a little too often. Maybe that's what I'll do, I'll cleanse my palate. I'll just read something super classic. Something a little Dungeons and Dragons'y maybe? Just something that can give me that feeling of elves, and dwarves, and powerful dragons that conquered cities with an evil wizard or something that would eventually lead to a final climax where the noble hero and his party, of equally balanced races, classes, and weapons, would save the day.

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