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Disclaimer- may include disturbing scenes-

- 10 years ago -

I hid behind my mother's legs as a strange woman walked into our house. There was some figure hiding behind the woman's legs just like I was hiding behind my mother's.

"Lizzie! Come now say hi to Krista!"

I still hid behind my mother's legs as she smiled down at me.

"Hi Lizzie! I'm Krista! There's nothing to be afraid of!"

I wasn't scared of her. I was scared of the boy hiding behind her. He had scruffy blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes. I started pouting and looked at Krista and back at the boy.

I started whining and finally I just yelled


I ran away from my mother and down the hall into my bedroom. I saw how shocked the boy looked when I yelled at him. Then I heard crying coming from the living room where my mom and her friend were.

I heard the boys mom coo at him to get him to calm down and I started feeling a little bad. I heard the the French doors that lead to the backyard open. 'They're probably going outside.'


My door slowly creeked open. There was a small blonde boy looking down in the doorway. I gave him a scared look as I hugged my blanket. He just sat down and stared at me. I slowly let go of my blanket and moved my hair out of my face that were sticking to my warm tears. I slowly rested my feet on the floor and jumped off my bed. Still griping on to my blanket I slowly walked closer and closer to the strange boy. I saw a tear escape his cheek and I stopped in front of him and bent down. I sat my butt on the floor and looked at him. He gave a low sniffle and wiped his arm across his face. I put my hand on his leg and patted him. He looked at me stunned and gave me a huge cheesy smile. I smiled back at him. My smiled turned into a horrified look as he grew. He grew taller and his hair darkened. His skin paled and seemed so white that he appeared to be a ghost. The boy finally stopped growing and was tall, slouched, and scary looking. His hair was covering  his face but he then looked up at me. He had bloodshot eyes and the most creepiest grins ever. I shiver ran down my back.


I yelled at him. My voice sounded different. I looked down and examined my body. I grew too and had breasts and longer legs and arms.

"Don't you remember me?" He paused and leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear, " Wake up."


I suddenly woke up and jumped. Sweat was covering my whole body and I felt chills and goosebumps run up and down my spine. I quickly ran to the bathroom and started throwing up like crazy. I heard my mom rush to me with a dazed look and just start rubbing my back. I felt so terrible like I was put into a blender turned on max speed. I finally was able to go back to bed after what felt like forever in the bathroom. My mom placed a warm towel on my forehead as she pulled some extra blankets over me. I closed my eyes as she stroked my hair and finally left. Once I heard my door close I fluttered my eyes back open.

I refuse to go back to sleep. No more dreaming.

I glanced at my alarm clock on my desk.


I stared at the ceiling. I thought about the guys. Ethan. James. Conner. Bradyn. Hmm. I smiled and rested my eyes.

Then the thought of that boy from my dream came rushing into my mind. I opened my eyes again and sat up straight in bed. I clutched my stomach and let my towel fall off my forehead. I wanted to throw up again but I just put my hand over my mouth and breathed real deep.

"Its good to see you again Lizzie."

Jason. I remember.

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