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we all hate it. except for the nerds who look forward to it like normal people do summer vacation.

There's are pros and cons for school but the cons out weigh the pros.

stupid teachers
disgusting lunch food that crawls off the plate

those are only some of the cons of my school.

I swear my school drowns us in homework. Someone teachers are nice about it but most aren't.

Now stupid teachers. we all have that one teacher we wished would get hit i the head with a ceiling tile while teaching. In my case it's my math teacher. He's so annoying and won't let us have any fun!

But at times he's really nice and I feel bad that people hate him.

Now the lunches, one kid actually got food poisoning from our schools Mac and cheese. I swear the food lunch crawls off my plate everyday. on kid asked if it was child abuse to serve this food.

Now there is only one pro and that is the social part.

Friends are everything to me. I love talking and always get in trouble for it. At school I can be the person I am and not the fake one my parents think i am.

PLUS BOYS AHHH!!! sadly my school has no cute boys. so that's sad but still I like guy friends better then girl friends do it's always awesome going to school with boy. If I was put in an all girl school I'd die.




so there is my first rant. again follow liawriter because her book is perfect!❤️😍😍❤️😭

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