The Orphanage

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Matt had been taken to an area where he was essentially put into a cot (or crib, or other alterative due different versions of the same word), and left alone, only to be checked on every few hours. Yes, this was the orphanage. The place where all hope for a child dies. This was due to the usually horrible living conditions that the children were forced under. Rats ran around the walls, as spiders and bugs bred in the corners and floorboards. The orphanage there was known as "Miss Whikit's home for unwanted children".

There were seven inhabitants there, excluding Matt. They were all referred as 'Guests' due to the fact that they, hopefully, wouldn't be there forever. There was Guest A, Guest B, Guest C, Guest D, Guest E, Guest F, and Guest G.

They had lived by that name since they were placed here. Matt also went by a different name. Guest M. He had broken the chain, but that as because he had decided that his name was Matt.

They were forced to eat rocks for breakfast. "Good for your teeth", the crooked Miss Whikit would say.

They would bathe in live maggots. "The maggots eat the dirt off", the ugly Miss Whikit would say, even though it just made them dirtier.

If they ever spoke out of turn, or disobeyed one of her many rules, they would be gagged with a pus-covered sick, and thrown into the basement, without food or water, for two days.

Here is a list of just a few of her rules.

1. Bedtime is 7:30 pm. Anyone caught out of bed past then is in trouble.
2. No complaining. Anyone caught is in for a beating.
3. No slacking while working. Anyone caught will be whipped with a belt.
4. Miss Whikit's word is law. No arguing back. Your words don't matter.
5. Nobody is to go into the second room, in my bedroom. Punishable by death.

Everyone was curious as to what that room was, but Miss Whikit guarded it every single moment she wasn't either yelling or doing something else. It was essentially impossible to get in, because she RARELY did something else, bar yelling, and she could tell across the building.

She was lazy, meaning that she forced the Guests around like slaves, except for Matt, due to him being a literal baby, at the time. Hell, she even referred to them as Slave A, or Slave B, etc. In her mind, Guest = Slave.

There was only one exception. When the police came around. She would act all sweet then, and, beforehand, would threaten the kids with death if they told the police about the way she treated them.

After six years of this abuse, everyone was sick of it. They wanted out of this hell hole they called 'a place to live'. It wasn't a home. They didn't have a home. They wanted to explore, or at least find a decent set of parents so that they could live a decent life.

They had to find out what was in that room, so, the group came up with a plan. While Miss Whikit was talking with the police, the group would sneak into the room. The police arrived the very next day. This was their chance.

They rushed toward the door, quietly though. They opened the door, and in it, was a single button, titled 'Self Destuct. Instant effect. Only to be used in cases of extreme emergency'.

Guest G offered himself up for the pressing. He shoved everyone out, as he yelled out to Miss Whikit.


This caused Miss Whikit to go into an insane rage, as the others ran out the door, Guest G put his hand in the air, and waited for Miss Whikit to enter. The second she did, he slammed his hand down, tears lining his face, and pressed the button.

The explosion sent shards of wood flying into the air, as the orphanage exploded into a million pieces. There were only two undestoyed objects left remaining. The charred and broken bodies of Guest G, and Miss Whikit. The Guest's boby was blackened like soot, before it dusted away, leaving no trace that he was ever left behind, except for a memory, and an item. A vial of silver tears.

Miss Whikit's body was simply dusted over, but if you looked at where her bones were sticking out, they were a dark, almost vine-like green colour, which was quite disgusting. Like her personality, and the way she acted.

The group walked away form the exploded building, as a spark flew towards the wreckage, setting it in fire, as a tribute it the sacrifice Guest G made.

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