How it started

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Once upon a time long ago in the year 2019 I was in the ninth grade. I was thriving. Living my best life walking around like I owned the place then all of a sudden this kid named Eren Jaeger taps on my shoulder and tells me "you are ugly". I was shocked, repulsed, enraged. This kid that can not even carry a pile of sticks. Cries in his sleep. Can not defend himself from bullies and needs his sister to help him out and had the audacity to accuse me of being ugly. At the moment I had a huge crush on him because of his beautiful eyes and long beautiful lashes, chocolate milk hair, beautiful lips, everything. I was in a trance but I was not going to let him accuse me of such atrocities. To help me gain my respect again I walked up to him, put my mouth next to his ear and whispered "no you". The crowd was in shock. Absolutely mind blown about what i have just said. Eren in a panic couldn't think of a good comeback and started to say "N-no you" but it was too late. I had the high ground. I said it first so now anything that came out of his mouth was futile. I pushed him back. He falled to the floor. I put my foot on his face and said " sorry my dear little Eren but it seems that you have lost this round". Tears running down his eyes he runs away. The next day Eren came up to me yet again but this time he seemed a bit more soft. He told me " H-hey Kermit. What you did to me yesterday was so not poggers but it was very brave and kind of sexy not gonna lie" He bit his lip seductively. " S-so with that in mind I was wondering if y-you would be m-my g-g-g-girl friend" I started blushing. I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him in for a kiss. "Of course i will be your girlfriend". From that day on me and Eren were dating and we still are. Just yesterday we had our first kid and we named it No You to pay homage to the moment we fell so madly in love with each other. THE END

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