Chapter 4

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Jack's POV

I had just settled in to my new apartment. It was weird, the quiet. I'm defiantly not used to that. When I was moving in, just about everyone else on that floor was too. They were all from different countries or regions. After we all moved in, we hung out in the hall and got to know each other. Lets see, there was this guy named Hiccup Haddock. He had brought his pit bull, Toothless, with him. Pit bulls get such a bad wrap. This dog was such a baby he wouldn't hurt a fly. He was definitely not a fighting dog, like most people think pit bulls are. Hiccup also liked reading. He didn't look like a book nerd, but he defiantly was. He had an entire box when he moved in labeled "books".

Then there was this girl, Merida DunBrock. She had the biggest, poofiest, reddest hair I have ever seen. She was a Tom boy. She said her favorite sport was archery, which isn't a very feminine sport. She really liked bears. She had a lot of bear décor. She told us about her horse, Angus, back in her country. We all figured out pretty quick she wasn't an average girl. But, she was really nice.

Then, there was another girl who came a little later named Rapunzel Corona. But the person helping her move in, some guy named Flynn, called her Blondie and sometimes Punzie, so not really sure her real name. She seemed super nice. She had blonde hair, which I guess why Flynn calls her Blondie, that went almost all the way down her back. It wasn't like Merida's hair. It was completely straight. We all guessed that Flynn must be her boyfriend moving in with her. They were carrying way to many boxes for one person, even if it was a girl.

After sitting and talking for a while with these new people, I realized that there were three apartments still empty. I thought all the apartments had been rented out. Maybe they are just late. Just before we all were going to go in our apartments, this blonde haired guy showed up. He said he was moving in and the other two people were coming tomorrow. I figured they were all coming from the same place, so why didn't this guy come with the other two new people? I don't know, maybe they don't know each other at all.
We all helped the new guy move in. He told us his name was Kristoff. He said he didn't have a last name. Which I thought was weird because, everyone has a last name. But I guess this guy didn't. Hey, I'm not here to judge. He eventually told us he was an orphan as a child and never really had a family. I felt kinda bad for the guy, but he said he had found a family, so I guess he is alright. Kristoff later told us his friends were moving in tomorrow. No one really cared. They all had plans to see the city tomorrow. I was just going to stay here. Someone has to meet the new people.

The next morning I heard the new people moving in. They sounded nice.
So I showered and got ready for the day, I might just go meet up with everyone else. I don't want to sit around and wait for the new people to finish unpacking. Time pasted and I soon heard them not going up and down stairs anymore and heard two doors shut. Now it's my time to leave.
Just after I shut and locked the door to my apartment I tuned around and ran into someone. She was a little shorter than me. She has the most beautiful blue eyes with platinum blonde hair. I was so mesmerized by her, that I didn't notice she had spilled her coffee,


Elsa POV

I couldn't believe it. I had just moved in and already spilled hot coffee all over someone.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I did not see you there. I didn't mean too." I kept apologizing and I didn't even know this person.

"Hey, hey it's fine." The guy said. He seemed so chill. I was surprised he wasn't mad.

"No no is not fine. Oh no it's gonna ruin your shirt. I'm so so sorry. I-I'll make it up to you, I can fix this. I'm so sorry."
I kept rambling on. This guy is, different. He's so chill.

"Stop apologizing, it's fine. I can get a new shirt. It's not like I was going anywhere special. It's ok, trust me. I'm Jack by the way." He said. He put his hand out for me to shake and I did.
"I'm Elsa."


Jack POV

Elsa. Her name was Elsa. Even her name sounded pretty. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was so pretty.
"How bout tonight, we get to know each other. We could go up on the roof, look at the city lights and the stars."

"Are you asking me on a date?" She asked. She did this little smirk.

"It doesn't have to be a date. It can just be two friends, hanging out." I smirked. This girl is so confusing. Does she like me? Does she hate me?

"Ok, fine. Hopefully this time I won't spill all over you." She said and did a slight giggle. She sounded all giddy.

"Sounds like a plan," I slightly smirked. she giggled. I don't even know this girl and I'm already falling for her?! Ugh, I'm screwed. She probably doesn't even like me like that.....


Hope you guys liked it!! Welcome to Jelsa!! Keep reading for more


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