chapter 2

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Anikas P.O.V

when i got home the first thing that came to my mind was to unpack my bag. i set it down on the kitchen counter and opened it. oh shit. none of the things in this bag is mine! i looked for my name on the tag on the inside of the bag and guess what? there was no tag! then i remembered when i bumbed into that man. he had the same bag as me! i must have grabed his by accident. but that means that he has my bag, so how do i get it back?

thats when the door bell rang once, twice, three times. wow, Ashley wasnt kidding when she said that she was going to early.

i went and answered the door and Ashley, Peyton, Kayleigh and Michelle walked in. well then, just come on in why dont ya, (bazinga).

"great, your alll here. put your bags in my room upstairs then get changed. we are going in ten minutes." they all ran upstairs to get ready. i looked around the room and my eyes automatically went to the bag. i wonder who it belonged to.

my thoughts were interupted when the girld came down. wow, that was like, two minutes. they are fuckin' fast! i realized that i still had to get ready so i ran upstairs as fast as my legs would carry me, witch is pretty fast considering i run track three times a week.

i ran downstairs and told the girls it was time to leave. we were out the door in seconds and on our way to the lake.


"Anika, you wimp, get over here!" Kayleigh yelled at me from the water trampoline. i was still on the shore while the others were enjoying themselves on the trampoline.

"im not a wimp! i just cant swim that far!" its true, i cant swim very well.

i saw Ashley jump off and swim towards me. "need some help" she asked holding out her hand.

i smiled. "ya, thanks." we swam off to the tramp together and jumped on. it was hard work but it was definatly worth it to be able to jump around and have some fun with my friends. when your 17 (almost 18) there isnt much you can do except go to the mall or movies.


around seven we decided it was time to leave for home. on our way i asked Michelle if i could use her phone to order a pizza.

"why" she asked.

"i told you, to order a pizza for us to eat."

she looked at me like i was crazy. "dont you have your phone?" she asked, handing me her I-phone.

i sighed. "do you remember when i bumped into that guy-"

"you mean Zayn" Peyton insisted.

"no. anyway, when i bumped into him i dropped my bag and so did he. i guess he grabbed my bag and i grabbed his. because of this he has my phone" i explained to them.

Ashley spoke up first. "you have to get it back! all your school stuff is in there!"

"and my wallet and my phone. the school stuff i wont need for another three weeks. il look for my bag later ok?" they all nodded and we started walking again.


when we got to my house we got changed into shorts and t-shirts. we went to my back yard and waited till the pizza came. Peyton of course thought this was the perfect time to try to convince me and Michelle that the people we saw was indeed One Direction.

"im telling you, it was them! one of them had Zayn's Tattoos, witch is the one that you bumbed into Anika. another one had Harry's hair," i saw Kayleigh stare off into space at the mention of Harry, "and one of them was blonde!"

"and didnt you say that the guy you ran into looked and sounded like Zayn?" Ashley asked.

i sighed. "ok, first. i never said that it looked like Zayn. and second, yes he had an accent but that does not prove anything!"

Kayleigh had seemed to snap out of her daydream and find her voice. "yes it does! it soooo does!"

i shook my head. "fine, whatever." the door bell rang so i got up from the hard ground and went to go get what i assumed was the pizza. then i remembered that i didnt have any money so i grabbed some fron the cookie jar on the counter table.

running to the door i started to think. what if Peyton was right, what if it was really One Direction?

shaking my head i opened the door. there stood the pizza man holding what i sure as hell hoped was a pizza. he handed me the box and i handed him the money.

i closed the door and headed back to the girls. if im lucky i will be able to actually get a slice this time. last time Peyton stole it all before i could get any.



so even though i said three comments i decided to be nice. here you go. i hope its good enough. i had writen this story before but in a notebook and i kept it to myself. but i found it and i thought i would share it. also, on the side is a pic of Anika, so me. thats not actually me but thats what i want to look like, minus the peirceings.

Its A Miracle  (a Zayn Malik fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now