Chapter 7

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3rd Person's Pov

Jungkook sigh as he sit on his sister's bed. He remove the wig which was very annoyance to him since the wig hair's tickles the nape of his neck. He then look at hisself in the mirror and he saw how pretty he was but he also take a note that his clothes expose too much skin which he doesn't like. So he decided to take a bath and he was surprised how spacious the bathroom look. 

"woah~ Noona is really living in Castle really." Jungkook said as he felt the tub with water and bath in a bubble bath. He didn't realized that he play with the bubbles for more than an hour before he decided to properly bath and get out. He wore a bathrobe and went to his sister's closet for some clothes and he realized that all his sister have is a sexy exposing night gowns. 

Jungkook panic and look for anything that isn't to much reveling clothes but all her sister had is crop top dresses and shorts. Jungkook felt like crying seeing this clothes because he needed to wear this type of clothing for the whole month. 

"Ground Swallow me." He said as he looking at the floor and demand to the ground to swollow him. 

"Ground! I told you to swallow me! Yah!" Jungkook said as he slap the ground a couple of times, and when he didn't get a respond he pouted cutely and decided to sleep in bathrobe. Atleast its long enough to cover his whole body. He can't believe his sister doesn't own any long jeans or a hoddie. 

He was about to sleep when his Heolmoni called so Jungkook face time her. Ofcourse she asked what does his sister needed helped to, and Jungkook told his Heolmoni everything. She was about to scold Junghyeon and his parents but Jungkook told his Heolmoni that he doesn't want trouble so he beg for her to keep this a secret. Afterall, what could go wrong? Its just a month. 


Jungkook woke up in the morning and attempt to sleep again. But itseems his sleepiness is long gone and now his mind is wide awake. So he decided to get up and look around to see he was in unfamiliar room. He panic a bit and then he remembers that he is pretending to be Junghyeon so he sigh in relief. He look at his sister room and it was really luxury an fancy, it was like a royal's room. He shook his head and look at the wall clock and notice it was 7am. Too early for his likings, but his sleep is long gone already. 

So he decided to freshen up, since it would take him too long to freshen up because he needs to put his wig on and make sure he looks like his sister. After that, he sigh as he look at the clothes that his sister has which he hates to wear, he wonders why his sister wear clothes like this all the time, can't she like atleast own something that isn't to reveling? 

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